5 SCARY Ghost Videos on Camera.. Holy Sh*t ( Dont Watch it ALONE 😨 ) Nuke’s Top 5 Reaction #1.
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Nuke’s Top 5 – Top 5 SCARY Ghost Videos That Will RUIN YOUR SLEEP !
This is the episode in my Scary Ghost videos series where we react to scary videos, ghost videos, paranormal activity and paranormal investigation videos. You can expect a lot of new Ghost caught on camera videos along with scary videos from tiktok, and much more. I will try to bring good scary video reactions from Top5s, Nukes Top 5 and plenty of great content. Expect Top 5 and Top 10 videos.
Nuke’s Top 5 SCARIEST videos of GHOSTS caught on camera, including some REALLY scary EXCLUSIVE videos sent in by viewers ! In this Top 5 countdown, we have strange supernatural activity, ghost hunters, paranormal investigation, poltergeists, and bizarre apparitions in haunted houses and abandoned places. Are these REAL scary videos of ghosts caught on camera? Or is it all just an elaborate hoax? You decide…
A child ghost caught on camera by accident. The YouTube channel Really Haunted captures some VERY bizarre poltergeist activity in their haunted house. Some scary things caught on camera in the woods by 4th Wall. VIEWERS capture some strange apparitions and paranormal activity and an EVP ! And a shadow figure in a haunted school. Some great paranormal and poltergeist activity !
Like and Subscribe for more reaction videos on SKizzleAXE. #scary #ghost #reaction #funny
Like for part 2 👍
Check out try not to laugh video here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X-LPIhv2OG8&ab_channel=SKizzleAXE
Watch Arabic ghost hunters! Those guys are insane!
so far the best videos please do more lol
Yes, animals can sense and see paranormal activities!!
Do more of these
skizzle u mad funny 💀 “that wasn’t too crisp but i see u, i see you” 😭
Could care less about legacy features for the most part. They need server stability. Hit register fixes, controller aim assist is broke. Map design is f’ing horrible. Either put something like a 3 to 4 minute delay on vehicles so that it not vehicle ware fare if I wanted that I would go play world of tanks. And get rid of the tornados probably a big reason for the server issues at times, and they are not that cool anyways.and if they don’t want complaining then fix the game, it’s been something like a month since that last update. Everyone else works during the holidays and so should they. Especially when the game is in the state it is in
Can you react to more of these.
I suggested you to watch "contracted"
waiting for Part 2 😂
I do believe in ghosts and I do believe I have seen ghosts before but I can tell you that 99.9% of these videos where ghosts are caught on camera are fake because I personally believe that a ghosts has either never been caught on camera or it's incredibly rare
In the bible it says there are fallen angels that hid in places like the forest
We watch Nukes top 5 all the time.
Great channel
Yes! More creepy stuff! React to Twisted Tens, Seriously Strange or Serial Killer Files by Rob Gavagan
Bro, it’s midnight rn, I’m about to shut off lights and go do sleep, fuck this, staying up all night, great vid tho, didn’t scared me with your jumpscares 😂
Cool video brothea
That's amazing bhaijaan ese video dala kro 💪🔥
Ghost videos are so scripted I believe
I don’t buy the glasses exploding. Neither time did the dude even look surprised, and they barely reacted. If that happened, you wouldn’t have to be scared to simply jump unexpectedly from that happening.
I spent much of my childhood in the woods around where I grew up, including staying overnight in them all the time, sometimes even alone. I feel like people were generally just less scared of things back then.
Also, I think infants as well as animals can sense things…but animals can sense things we don’t see on an amazing level…as we also know they can sense weather conditions before they happen, like tornadoes or tsunamis before they come. I think bird migration is actually tied to their sense of the earths magnetosphere…it’s weird how they work, meaning animals. But if you ever plan to be somewhere known to have haunted or supernatural happenings…always take your trusty dog. They are smart, sense stuff you can’t sense or see, can see better than you in the dark, are fiercely loyal, and will defend you to the death if you’ve raised them well, treating them like family, but with discipline.
Where the developers for vanguard in this video?
Americans will believe anything about every fake ghost video its all bullcrap no one has ever cought a ghost on camera especially digital video
I like this my brotha haha an I'm barely 10 secs in 😂😂
6:14 japanese suicide forest?
I would move out right away a second a ghost appears in my house haha
Is it wrong that I just know that forest as the Logan Paul Forest? 😅
Yo I was about to recommend you this lulx nice video with reaction 🤟🏼👍🏼❤️❤️🔥
I like the second footage. They must really like outlast
Bro watch a YouTuber call mrballen he tells ghost storys and stuff. Might be good for a reaction video
These videos are great. Animals can see things we cant
Honestly this video was super funny with your reaction! Your jump scares are hilarious 😂
These horror ones are legit a good watch, I saw you getting spooked a bit😅 Do more of these.
I suggest that you watch the Annabelle trilogy 😁👍🏻 it's a story about a possessed Doll but its not splatter like chucky but more psychological horror which is the better horror style in my opinion 🙂 if you watch it tell how it was haha 😂👍🏻
I feel like the footage with shadows are green suits and then turn the person black then edit transparency
Do more Nukes top 5 videos plz
btw I recommend The conjuring 1 2 and the one that came out last year based on real life events
Part 2
More ghost videos
I will watch every single ghost video you upload
I love watching horror stuff hope you make more.
I think people who believe in god
but don't believe this are biased. Good and evil are two sides of the same coin. If there's god, then ghosts can also exist. Who knows?
Giga chads rollin in
Imagine call of duty have a scary mode similar to this?
Thank you for making Entertaining videos bro you deserve more Subs
Since im Talking about Ed and Lorraine you should watch the Conjuring Movies.
You are the best
You should Watch top 10 Ed and Lorraine Warren Cases