🌶️ Spicy Sichuan food tour in Greater Los Angeles!!
🇹🇭 Ultimate Thai Food Tour in LA: https://youtu.be/M1E2rPJRLj8
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Check out my friend Jing and her amazing chili oil: https://flybyjing.com/
LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA – Welcome to LA and more specifically San Gabriel Valley where we’re going to take you on an amazing spicy Chinese food tour today! I’m hanging out with my friend Jing who has a very cool story, which we’ll hear, and then we’ll be eating a Sichuan feast, Chongqing noodles, and finishing with an insanely spicy Chinese hot pot!
Chengdu Impression (https://goo.gl/maps/cbzaWwE2UnXzeZoNA) Total price – $262.71 – Jing first took us to eat at her favorite Sichuan food restaurant in LA, called Chengdu Impression in Arcadia. We ordered a huge spread of dishes including pickled mustard greens fish, frog in a chili stew, one of the best mapo tofu I’ve ever had, and dino beef ribs with a mala Sichuan rub. It was one of the best Sichuan meals I’ve had, outstanding food and quality.
Chong Qing Special Noodles (https://g.page/specialnoodles?share) – Price – $8.99 per bowl – Next up with headed to Chong Qing Special Noodles, a legendary noodle restaurant that serves spicy and tingly Chong Qing noodles. This is the real deal, so addictively tasty that you can’t stop.
Chong Qing YaoMei Hotpot (https://goo.gl/maps/A5cvDSHgSYAx3mEX6) – Total price – $117.18 – Finally to complete this Chinese Sichuan food tour in greater Los Angeles, we drove out to Pasadena to eat at Chong Qing YaoMei Hotpot, again another Ching Qing specialty restaurant. This was one of the best hot pots I’ve had and you can order the extra spicy – which I did – and it really was properly spicy and bursting with flavor. The meat and vegetables selection was great, was the dipping sauce.
It was an amazing day eating Sichuan and Chong Qing food within the greater LA area, and again thank you to Jing for showing us around!
Jing’s chili oil: https://flybyjing.com/
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Not only delicious but Chinese dishes also have great health benefits..
Wow if Mark can say the extra spicy base in Sichuan hot pot is "perfect" in terms of spice….yeah he can really handle his spice. Meat in that base is usually doable but veggies like lettuce just completely absorb the soup and it builds like crazy, especially when the temperature of it is hot too
I would love to do a hot pot like that! Have no ideal where to go here in Indianapolis, IN. HELP MARK!
We want to franchise this to Boise. We love this kind of food. Bring it. So many CA people moving here.
Oh her food looks great but I looked up her restaurant and the prices are OUTRAGEOUSLY high. I cook Indonesian food and cannot understand why restaurants like this charge do much. The ingredients are not expensive.
I love how Ming speaks to Micah in Thai
anyone know how Fly By Jing is vs the OGm Lao Gan Ma? I have started to buy it, but its pricey.
Mark I was salivating except for the frog stew
I love you Mark but I have to say that your beautiful wife Ying does not get enough credit for being by your side and always taking care of Micka. You need to give her more shout outs and respect. She is your total support for what you do! Remember that!!!!
That food looks so delicious and pretty!
Mark is in L. A right now? Wow, nice!
Mark tasting one of spiciest Chinese cuisine, Sichuan, and after ordered extra spicy, he said, it just has some good spices on it. Looks like that he didn't want to be rude to chinese spicy food but it's obviously its not spicy for him as he later on added more chili 😂😂😂
What is the spiciest thing you ever eatan? 🥵
ohhhh wwooooow,, the signiture reaction..
That cold beef dish is one of my favorite dishes. It's called husband and wife's organs canned fu qi fei pian
Me and my wife just a lil worried, seems like you lost a lot of weight from the first time we started watching your videos
This is an awesome video Mark! I work at Whole Foods and noticed we got a new chili oil n it’s Fly by Jings! Next day I watch this video, while trying to figure what chili oil to make! I love Sichuan food ❤️🔥
Wish I could join Mark on one of his adventures!! Looked incredibly delicious!
This is such a great food. I wonder how much it's cost. I ned to prepare my budget just for this experience.
Mark have you heard about the the Devil Ramen noodles in Japan says in so spicy that you can't it eat it. It is not like the devil level noodles you ate.
Great video Mark good eat
nice to c u mark
It was really cool to finally see you eating at places all within a few miles of my house here in Pasadena! Thanks Mark!
looks like a delicious food 🍽️🤍🌍.
The fact that we get free documentaries on YouTube by Mark is truly a gift.
that kid repping the old school with that psp. lol
2.5 years away from China 🇨🇳. I miss China so much. Man that hotpot water my mouth . I hate this pandemic. 我爱你中国🇨🇳
bro is eating all the exotic foods meanwhile I’m at home eating pizza rolls , ramen noodles and sandwiches 😭😂
Mark: The perfect level of spice!
Everyone else: melts down to undefined boiling matter from hell…
Really nice video again, Mark!
The fact that we get free documentaries on YouTube by Mark is truly a gift.
Aslam u alaikum dear bro how are you me fine Alhamdulillah and I am huge fan of you, love and respect from Mehar District Dadu Sindh Pakistan ❤️🙏
Micah is..interested! 😘
Very nice
Oh man, my mouth is watering. Sushi and Chinese Hot Pot are my 2 favorite foods in the world. And I love chili oil. I even prefer to dip my sushi in it over soy sauce!
Love all your videos Mark👍 Will try and travel with my kids to bkk/southern part of Thailand this year (covid permitting) how about a video of dishes the kids will enjoy?
Amazing video ❤️
Anyone else love to watch how nicely Mark enjoys various food? It's not even about to watch what kind of food it is 😂 Never seen someone getting so much pleasure from tasting food 😊