This man raised an opossum. Now he thinks they are smarter than dogs.
Check out Lil Miss’ story: https://www.instagram.com/sillydillyanimalsanctuary/
#opossums #bekind #animals
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Good stuff 💯🎯😇🇺🇸
That possums gonna start eating your ducks
Possums stink naturally
I wanted one for a friend before I found out how long they live. No way I could handle that heart break.
such a beautiful thing
God bless this man. What a gentle, loving soul!!!
1-2 years. That’s a bum deal.
Giant rats. 🙁
Oh man I hate when people say "O"possum, it's Possum
Opossums are one of my personal favorite non-domesticated animals
Other smart creature ☺️.
What is this music? The track that plays from the beginning of the video. I'd love to find it.
The guy owns a opossum but doesn’t know the “o” is silent when pronouncing the name. 🙄
Man, a life span of 1 to 2 years?? Didn't expect that for a creature that size.
I learned recently that opossums can't catch rabies because their body temperature is too low.
No wonder this little possum doesn’t want to leave. It is in heaven❤️
what a lovely bloke – i would save everything if I could too.
Holey moley. Who woulda thunk? And used the litter box, too.
Ah geo beats the stories the dodo didn't want LOL
Sorry that Lil Miss passed so quickly, that is sad…. glad she enjoyed you for a time….
I am sorry for your loss. Little Miss sounds like a truly amazing animal, and like many things the good ones often leave long before we want them to.
Solid work, Dylan!
George Jones lol 😂
So cute 🤗
So let me get this straight, they only live 1-2 years!? Wtf, that's alot of work raising an animal that has a short life. I looked it up, Virginia opossum can live longer, but damn that's just really surprising. Good on him tho give her a nice life.