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Honest Trailers | Every DCEU Trailer Ever (Compilation)
Voice Narration: Jon Bailey aka Epic Voice Guy
Title Design: Robert Holtby
Written by: Spencer Gilbert, Danielle Radford, & Lon Harris
Produced by: Spencer Gilbert
Associate Producer: Ryan O’Toole
Edited by: Kevin Williamsen & Randy Whitlock
Post-Production Supervisor: Emin Bassavand
Post-Production Coordinator: Mikołaj Kossakowski
Assistant Editor: Rebecca Castaneda
Director of Video Production: Max Dionne
Thanks for watching everyone! We're back at it and will have new episodes of Honest Trailers on its regular schedule next week!
So this is a compilation of Honest Trailers for the DCEU…….
Which ends with an Honest Trailer for the DCEU
(Imagine this in the epic voice)
So this is a compilation of Honest Trailers for the DCEU…….
Which ends with an Honest Trailer for the DCEU
(Imagine this in the epic voice)
This reboot was made for you psycho! 😂😂😂
so why DC produce their films themselves & cut off Warner Brothers?
man they really destroyed DC
Hm, I wonder… did the actors smirk on the inside while filming scenes with Mustache-Superman? 🤔
The speaker.. does he also make the "5 minute dungeon speaker"????????
Jessie Eisenberg is always the worst part of every film he is in.
Lol 😂😂😂
If you ever do the paw patrol movie I have some suggestions for the starring section
I love how these trailer compilations are longer than an actual movie….🥰
Oh and "Explosive interruptions"
Reacted to this same way I reacted to Snyder’s Justice League. “Didn’t I watch this already? Oh well, I’m halfway through it anyway!” 😂
the only thing i hate in B v S is whenever Lex speak, and Doomsday.
wheres the time stamp broo, smh
Do No Way Home like now!
Do The Breakfast Club honest trailer?
do honest trailer for arcane
That Honka Honka just killed me. Every fucking time. This was like a sitcom, and Jared's Joker is just one catchphrase.
"Democratic senator from Kentucky pfffffft sure why not" actually got me
The snyder cut was not really mediocre, to me it was great and to most it was just good
It's absolutely gross that Jared Leto sent used condoms to people. His career should be fucking over.
Every Joker has be subpar next to Mark Hamill, but Jared Leto was absolutely insulting.
I kid you not I had an mcl injury in high school football and it fucking hurt…..and I think I have ptsd when I see knees getting broken because everytime I saw a clip of Harley breaking knees/legs I felt my head hurt
Let’s be honest Shazam was the best DC movie
Snydercut = pipedream Interesting….
Of course Suicide Squad Honest Trailer'd themselves, Deadpool had CinemaSins'd themselves.
wubtubulous is now my favorite word.
wasn't star trek his first Hollywood lead
I'm with ZACK SNYDER all the way
ZACK SNYDER is the Best
The man of steel one is still just amazing. I forgotten about "it's a bird it's a plane it's…coming right for us! Everybody look out!" And it had me rolling
The acting range of a crumpet 😅😅😅
So you just stopped making new content this year? You know that holiday vacation is over.
Don't look up!!!
I like and enjoy this content seriously
Do encanto
Do Blacklist!!!
Please do an Honest Trailer for Supernatural please.
Obi Wan Jabroni. Thank you.