NATURAL DISASTERS from 02 – 04 January 2022 сlimate changе! flood, volcano eruption
The release features natural disasters around the world. Climate is changing, and this is very noticeable Climate Change!, that’s where the power is !!!! ,
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NATURAL DISASTERS Massive Landslides Caught On Camera 2021
2 jan is my birthday and may god protect us immediately..
Очень скоро вы увидите два солнца тут и там!!!
– Иешуа идет –
Я поделюсь своим видением на 10 января 2022 года.
Я был в ресторане. Это ресторан с видом на море, и в нем странное ощущение.
Цвет вокруг него подобен оранжевому цвету, и он кажется очень странным.
Я посмотрел в окно, а та сторона была на юг.
Я увидел два плавающих солнца. Я видел два солнца с оранжевым оттенком.
Это было странно, поэтому я посмотрел на другую сторону.
Он обращен на запад. Выглянув в окно, тоже было два солнца.
Никогда не бывает двух солнц, восходящих одновременно с юга и запада.
Смысл этого видения в том, что очень скоро мы увидим восход двух солнц во всем мире. Удивительно видеть два солнца в видении вскоре после того, как увидел сообщение о том, что два солнца взойдут очень скоро 2 января 2022 года.
Вероятно, очень скоро вы увидите два солнца.
И подключился к следующему сну. Это место для переодевания, а также вид на море.
Кто-то сказал мне посмотреть на небо. Итак, я посмотрел на небо, и это было ночное небо, но я увидел что-то вроде приближающейся кометы.
Это был сон, но он был настолько ярким, что я попыталась сфотографировать на камеру, но потом проснулась.
Иешуа Бог придет очень скоро.
Будьте духовно очень напряжены и бодрствуйте, невесты Иешуа.
Только Иешуа! Шалом.
Jan 10 2022 Very soon you will see two suns here and there!
(10.01.2022 Очень скоро вы увидите два солнца тут и там!)
The Lord is talking to this world. These are all talked about in Revelations
For several years now, I've seen snow and hail hit the mideast countries – every year. Maybe way back in the past, this was unusual…. These days it looks like a regular occurrence.
Hard to believe that's a 5.5 earthquake. I'm from San Francisco, CA
Total Bullsh^t,
This earth was never meant to last forever, God is winding it down and we will not destroy this planet, but God will. His Will be done.
The New norm… if you live at low sea level…move to higher ground
I ve been living in Malta for the last 10yrs and I ve never seen such bad weather feels like the last 3 months so far ,
Seems like the whole world is in a storm..
Remember: Nature is just fine without us humans… The other way is not.
(Why Would Satan Be Spelled Out In The Name of Santa?)
What Would YAHUSHUA Want Us To Do, Celebrate Chanukah Like Him Or Xmas?
Parents you are teaching your children to distrust you when they find out there is no Santa Claus! AMIHGHTYWIND
HE ONE WHO OVERCOMES ALL EVENTS IN THE WORLD IN ORDER TO ACHIEVE SAFETY "We have not had an easy time this past year. They may continue in the coming year and into the years to come. So, many people are afraid and worried about how to sustain life on earth. Isaiah 13: 6-8 and 11 (BSP ). "The day of the Lord is near, it is coming as a destruction from the Almighty." That is the day of God's judgment on the wickedness of men. Therefore, what is happening in the world today is a sign that its end is near or Judgment Day, and because of what is happening, the people are weak, discouraged, and afraid.
The Future Holy Spirit Has Risen In LA. Mother Nature is God's judgment tool used to signify the imbalance between Good/Evil, Globally.
💔 please, type in Greta Thunberg connects climate, ecological, and health crisis.
"Stop killing animals, nature is taking revenge from us as we did wrong with nature if we want to survive so do prayer and ask please forgive for our sinses 🙏🙏❤️
Thanks for the information
bloody haarp
this is awesome!
Restaurants and gas stations are forced to closed due to killer weather.
Folks, it's time stay hunkered down safe in your house and start cooking your own meals.🧕👳♂️👀🙄
It's the Apocalypse!! Look at all the Christian persecutions!!! The Apocalypse is retaliation!!!
There is no promise of tomorrow today and yesterday is gone in iniquities forever.
Faith in God is faith in our Lord who is God and the Messiah who is a spirit who dwells within the flesh of those whom HE Himself chooses to reveal He His self to. Only in faith from the heart can one "know Him" in His spirit but real faith is in the heart and not the mind as the mind is flesh and is sin incarnate made in sin and by sin by lust of sinful parents going all the way back to the beginning when Eve Tempted by the fruit of the tree of knowledge used the serpent as a excuse to sin against God and His only commandment to not eat of the tree in the midst of the garden.
We are all descendants of that original sin.
I see your heart through your words and I see you know the Lord.
God give His elect "discernment".
New eyes to see what others can not and new ears to hear what others can not.
They are in the world and of the world.
God says they can not serve God and Mammon.
For they will love one and despise the other.
God bless you; but you are blessed already. Blessed are the meek and lowly of heart for they shall inherit the kingdom of God.
Blessed are the poor on earth for their riches are in heaven.
Bless our Lord who is God and His holy Ghost who is a spirit who measures the heart.
No one ever found God using their minds. God is found from within.
Only in faith can we receive His grace and only God can give "the increase".
Who is the Lord? God is. Who is Messiah? God is. Who is the Holy Ghost? God is.
God is. God was. God will always be.
He is Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the ending says the Lord.
These days ARE "those days" prophesied by God in His word called the Holy bible.
That is the God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob. Who is Israel? A REMNANT. A people for His name. They are the FEW who knows the narrow way, which is only walked in TRUTH in this life to follow His light is rewardedin ways the world can not see. God is only worshipped in spirit and in truth. Real Israel is NOT a nation on a map made by mans hands. Israel is a people who are scattered around the world.
Soon they will be called.
God is shaking the heavens; as it is done in heaven as it is done on earth says the Lord and what is loosed in heaven is loosed on earth and No Thing at all happens without the acknowledgement of God.
Yet, what I say is foolishness to those who love this world.
But to God, these words are accounted to me as righteousness.
But fools despise knowledge.
Soon will be the calling for the lost sheep of Israel who is a people for His name and not a blasphemous idolatrous nation just like any other nation who is in the world and of the world.
They have all gone away backwards.
Hosea 4:16
"For Israel slideth back like a backsliding Heifer. Now, the Lord will feed them as a lamb in a large place. For Israel is stubborn; like a stubborn calf"
Yet, Ezekiel 3:9
"As adamant harder than flint did God make my forehead. Fear them not nor be dismayed by their looks though they be a rebellious nation."
God is shaking the heavens.
What is done on earth is done in heaven.
POWERFULL WOW – we all have big changes ahead
Most of these look like normal climate events
1:37 how does an earthquake have anything to do with climate change?