On the “THE RAGE OF THE EARTH” channel you can watch videos of extreme weather events from all over the world.
Subscribe to the channel to be informed about all the natural disasters that are happening on the planet.
Eruption at underwater #HungaTongaHungaHa’apai volcano
Floods #Erbil, #Kurdistan Region
The massive landslide in #MorrodaForca, #OuroPreto, State of #MinasGerais
The City and Borough of #Yakutat, #Alaska, declared a local disaster emergency due to heavy snow
The #Popocatépetl volcano registered a minor explosion
An earthquake hit #SundaStrait
A tornado in the city of Erbil, Kurdistan Region
#Tsunami waves hit Tonga. Ash was falling over the capital, #Nuku’alofa
Strong winds in #Minsk
A very bright fireball over the province of #CiudadReal, #CastillaLaMancha
Thunderstorm created by Channel Art Background
#storm #snowstorm #earthquake #flood #slip #landslide #tornado #meteorite #snowfall #snow #hail #avalanche #naturaldisastersthisweek #disasters2021 #naturaldisasters #hailstorm #extremeweather #winds #tormenta #accidents #flooding #hurricane #fire #wildfire #lluvia #chuva #lluvas #inundacion #cataclysms #blizzard #locust #locusts #volcano #volcaniceruption #זרבובית מים #tropicalcyclone #accidentsintheworld #latestnews #sinkholes #rains #iceberg #eruption #lava #disaster #sandstorm #duststorm #سیل #extremeflooding #جاریشدنسیل #deslizamentodeterra #gempabumi #گردباد #Минск #Беларусь #ураган #ветер #boladefuego #bólido
Dreams Become Real by Kevin MacLeod is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 license. https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/
Source: http://incompetech.com/music/royalty-free/index.html?isrc=USUAN1500027
Artist: http://incompetech.com/
This video features materials protected by the Fair Use guidelines of Section 107 of the Copyright Act. All rights reserved to the copyright owners.
After watching a few of these videos, I have no doubt G-D himself is sending mankind a message. There is no way these events can happen so consistently around the world. This is just the beginning!
Jesus is coming
Lord please protect people who are suffering due to disasters.🙏
Gaia fights back!
Whats happen in Our earth
the raising of the dead
The blood was in Jesus
Now Jesus has spread the blood
In everyone
The truth
The honesty
The test
The challenge
And the great meltdown
Has begun
Jan 2022
The new beginning
The planet was reset
God is awakening the 60-70 percent
Be ready
For gods fire 🔥
The one he puts inside us
Just have faith in him
Best thing you could do
Have faith
It will get worse before it gets better
There will be many countries
This year struggling
Tidal waives
Intense heat
You name it
The angels will bring it all
They may even crack the fault line
Big trouble
How do I know
Because I’m very old
You could say ancient old
see it all happen
I’m here to help you all
Most of all
I’m here to help Jesus
I will be here until the end of the 7 year tribulation
Until I have given all I got
For Jesus
zealandia rising
Matthew 24:12-14
12 And because lawlessness will abound, the love of many will grow cold.
13 But he who endures to the end shall be saved. 14 And this GOSPEL OF
THE KINGDOM will be preached in all the world as a witness to all the nations
& then the END will come. These are the words spoken by Our Lord & Saviour
Jesus Christ speaking of the End Times to come, make no mistake we are
living in those end time which was spoken of by Jesus Christ Himself and
His return draws nearer then anyone thinks. Repent, Call upon His Holy name
Jesus Christ for remission of sins, believe with all your heart, that Jesus died
for your sins was buried and was RAISED again to life be the Father in Heaven
and sits at the right hand of GOD as it is written ROMANS 10:9-13, be born
again in Christ and be saved, then stop sinning and follow Him. May the
blessings of the Lord our GOD be upon you all. 🕊🙏❤
Thank you for keeping us updated.
Fox news doesn’t show that
I think it’s starting to happen we have not got long left
Thank you 😊
All the people who take life for granted need to watch videos like this one.
It's all coming to an end, on top of that we got 35,000 ft asteroid headed towards us.
2022 is starting out with a real bang.
🇧🇷🙏🏼Im brazilian…!! Thanks ( Sou brasileira!! Obrigada…😔🙏🏼
Prayers 🙏
The climate is surely changing in Jesus' name!
Job 38:22-38 ISV
22 Have you entered the storehouses of the snow or seen where the hail is stored,
23 which I’ve reserved for the tribulation to come, for the day of battle and war?
24 Where is the lightning diffused or the east wind scattered around the earth?
25 “Who cuts canals for storm floods, and paths for the lightning and thunder,
26 to bring rain upon a land without inhabitants, a desert in which no human beings live,
27 to satisfy a desolate and devastated desert, causing it to sprout vegetation?
28 “Does the rain have a father? Who fathered the dew?
29 Whose womb brings forth the ice? Who gives birth to frost out of an empty sky,
30 when water solidifies like stone and the surface of the deepest sea freezes?
On the Heavens
31 “Can you bind the chains of Pleiades or loosen the cords of Orion?
32 Can you bring out constellations in their season? Can you guide the Bear with her cubs?
33 Do you know the laws of the heavens? Can you regulate their authority over the earth?
34 “Can you call out to the clouds, so that abundant water drenches you?
35 Can you command the lightning, so that it goes forth and calls to you, ‘Look at us!’
36 “Who sets wisdom within you, or imbues your mind with understanding?
37 Who has the wisdom to be able to count the clouds, or to empty the water jars of heaven,
38 when dust dries into a mass and then breaks apart into clods?
We are nearing the judgments that were prophesied many years ago-the book of Revelation. Look into it, mark of the beast luciferase tatoo(it's a "mark" patented 060606)Revelation 13:16-18. Etc PLEASE LOOK INTO IT IT TIES INTO THAT VERSE.
1 Corinthians 15:1-5 NKJV
1 Moreover, brethren, I declare to you the gospel which I preached to you, which also you received and in which you stand, 2 by which also you are saved, if you hold fast that word which I preached to you—unless you believed in vain.
3 For I delivered to you first of all that which I also received Christ died according to the Scriptures, 4 and that He was buried, and that He rose again the third day according to the Scriptures, 5 and that He was seen by Cephas, then by the twelve.
Allha o akbar these are the Singh of getting close to end the world like God mentions in the Quran and prophet Mohammed S W said 🙏
May God protect and save
OMG, always terrible to see all those desasters… Brazil was horrific… And some countries still have feet in water… The loss of your house is terrible… Prayers 🙏🏻🙏🏻 thanks for sharing, great videos and pictures.
Q&A about the volcanoes erupted lately , does volcanoes erupted every year and bc we have more internet will as humans are seeing more of them, or this is not normal. Thank you
Impressive as usual + nice music
Prayers 🙏
The guy must have been really pissed that the sand castle he had built with his son the the day before got washed away…….and then he realized he could not find his car keys…
You got the bang and the tsunami in Tonga, great job! That night sky over Mexico and the eruption video was amazing. ❤️
.. Appreciate this channel information ,, would not know of most of these otherwise … Mother Nature can be vicious and painful ….
Thank you for keeping us informed !
Weather manipulation sude be the name of yr channel instead
My heart goes out to all effected people. Make no mistake, this is coming to every community on the planet soon! Learn how to work together now!
Thank you, xx