Jack and Geoff continue their exploration of the lighter side of Halo 4 in this week’s episode of Fails of the Weak! Join FIRST to watch episodes early: http://bit.ly/2wf5zPJ
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Fails of the Weak: Ep. 118 – Funny Halo 4 Bloopers and Screw Ups! | Rooster Teeth
0:12 “Is that a. CAR??!?
– agent Washington
@0:12 when the Reds roll up on Blue base and Church was just trying to take a leisurely stroll to get away from Caboose
This old series. Still a good one hah. Halo REACH was the best tho
0:32 He is a boss. He dabbed before it was even invented
they save the best for last always
1:32 That's what happens when a spindizzy's electronic vacuum tube breaks…
The Blues were taking L's this video.
"silly blues will they ever learn" – I see what you did there. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Strangely enough my surname is Birnie
I don't care what anyone says but this game was fun. It may have been unbalanced but it was fun to just play and relax.
lol I killed him lol
the first fai, was like grif, simmons and sarge. Just need the music
Its not a scorpion its a wraith
question. how did halo 4 get released from 2012 to 2014/2015? I wonder if it was a beta build or was it?? I'm confused!!!!!!!! ( I'm sorry ←:( )
I did that plasma to head in the campaign….though I some how got it stuck to the visor
With this I have had a map in horse and a fail in fotw!
geoffs laugh makes this like 3 times funnier
"is it a spider? Get it off!"
I think the Dominion blue at 1:47 or so… is me ._." if you see me on Halo 4, Elroy0069, say hi or something? I'd love to run into you RT guys at some point, I'm usually playing Heavies or Grifball
Y don't u make vids any more
4:13 Hey that's me!
Some of these people earned theirselves some Darwin awards
I did the same thing as the last clip except it was on haven on the bottom floor and I jumped threw a sticky at the ceiling which bounced back and stuck me. XD
to short
3:54 that was the worst throw ever. of all time.
and now he has a spider on his head
1:43 "we're blasting off agaaaaaaiiiiiiinnnnn"
The first fail is how i exacly died one time xD i love these bloopers xD
1:52 I never seen this in halo 4 what mode is it?
Pro stick with that Plasma at the end haha. How the hell do you miss a Wraith though when it's <10 feet away. It wasn't even boosting!
Wash: CAAAR!!
I miss the Halo Reach fails. And just Halo Reach in general. Where the fuck is my copy!?
Halo 4 FTW in most players for excellence and fails
the ghost flights have to be programmed into the game.
1:39 a player got their hands on light speed battle tech, but as you can see failed to control the technology Rotfl
56:00 i never seen that but now i finally am in big team battle lol
I can't be the only one who just realized that it's called fails of the weak not fails of the week lol
you are awsome
2:58 killtrayal
USMC hidden looks like a Scout Trooper from Star Wars
Dat laugh tho.
I think those ghosts aren't the latest model lol
Let these videos be a lesson to EVERYONE! ALWAYS make sure there are no rocks or walls blocking your targets. However, death by ordinance drops and such is nobody's fault.
No, its not