The Silence of God: God’s Dr. Ankerberg interviews Dr. Erwin Lutzer regarding God’s purposes during pandemics and other problems.
The Silence of God: God’s Dr. Ankerberg interviews Dr. Erwin Lutzer regarding God’s purposes during pandemics and other problems.
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Today is March 23, 2021, I am so glad that John Ankerberg is having this show. It is really important to hear this news of what the Bible is saying. People need to listen and respond to the true of what God is saying. Thank you, John.
The end times
I like your show, thanks for the information. God Bless!
We people wonder why, this is happening. Wow, really, we need to wake up. the Seven Deadly Sins are Pride, Greed, Envy Anger, Gluttony, Lust and Sloth. Proverbs 6: 16-19 and Galatians 5:19-22
Take the Sabbath Day, one of the Commandments ( Roman Catholic it is the 3rd) We don't follow it, in the Bible it said it's on Saturday. So why do we celebrate on Sundays??? In the Catholic Doctrine back in the 4th century the Sabbath Day was changed from Saturday to Sunday by men. When all the other Christians left the Catholic Church to go on their own way, they kept the Sabbath Day on Sunday like the Catholic Church. Except the Seventh-day Adventist Church .
Are we as people following His Commandments and Laws. Does most people know them? and live by them? This is why, because we sin and don't want to repent. God Bless.
Good day my brothers and sisters, This is God's message because we ALL have sin. We need to repent and pray. The Holy Bible says: Isaiah 45:7 I create both light and darkest; I bring both blessings and disaster. I, the Lord, do all these things. Proverbs 14:34 Righteous makes a nation great; sin is a disgrace to any nation. Ezekiel 7:12 the time is coming. The day is near when buying and selling will have no more meaning, because God's punishment will fall on everyone a like. Micah 5:14 and in my great anger I will take revenge on all nations that have not obeyed me. We need ALL need His word the Holy Bible to really understand what is going on and what is to come. Because this this nothing, it will get worst. Not my words, the Bible's words, scripture speaks. God Bless!
Good topic God Bless You🙏
Pastor John and Pastor Lutzer, I thank you for your amazing message. I greatly appreciate it. May God bless you all.
So easy for anyone to rule out why GOD won't heal and protect people, easy to twist scripture to suit unbelief. All things are possible to those who BELIEVE. ALL includes healing and protection. The name or word YESHUA proves that.
Go ahead give into the virus and claim God is sovereign however there's a higher way!
In Ezekiel’s WAR chapter 38 end time’s war it name’s every Middle East country except Saudi Arabia that come together to war with Israel 🇮🇱 including; Russia 🇷🇺 (Rosh) Sudan 🇸🇩 (Cush) Libya 🇱🇾 (Put) Turkmenistan 🇹🇲 Kazakhstan 🇰🇿 Tajikistan 🇹🇯 Kyrgyzstan 🇰🇬 (Magog) Turkey 🇹🇷 (Gomer Tubal Togarmah) Iran 🇮🇷(Persia)This war and the Rapture of the Church ⛪️ takes place simultaneously And at this point the Antichrist processed by Satan steps in, to replace the leader named Gog and brings false peace to Israel by confirming an existing peace covenant for seven years with Israel. This begins the 7 years of tribulation for the Jews & the whole world! Read The Book of Daniel & Revelation watch & pray 🙏🏻
Jesus told us there would be plagues, natural disasters, war… and just like labour pains they will intensify.
Well 1% of India's population would be about 13,000,000 people (so 2m is a tiny ratio) Their population is over 1.3 billion
Although we live in a fallen world by Jesus stripes we are healed and divine protection can't be ruled out. Even Jesus and the Apostles avoided disaster and harm at times.
Thanks for having captions for the Deaf. Makes it easier to understand. YouTube version works better than Vimeo for casting to TV.
I just don't understand how so many people can turn away from God. It's satan that's holding most people as a hostage. God hasn't turned away from us. We've turned from him, and things don't always go how we want it to, but give him a chance. God bless 🕎🕊💜🙏
If God protected the children of Israel in Egypt during the plague by putting blood over their doorposts how much more we as blood of Jesus bought children under a better covenant upon BETTER PROMISES!?
God has ALLOWED is the key word! God doesn't make or do evil, He allows the effects of sin
God certainly is using the plague to shake and judge believers and unbelievers alike!!
We Christians DO HAVE AUTHORITY OVER THE VIRUS!! JESUS said, you have authority over ALL the power of the devil! LUKE 10:19
God reaches out to every human being by grace with his salvation. It's a free gift. Receive it by believing & trusting in Christ's work.
People are so uneducated about sin
Has it reduced
Or has it increased?
Is there an increase in secret society cult memberships?
The Holy Spirit will guide us through the Word of God Jesus Christ
Like birth pains we trust our coach, until the resurrection.
You have no authority to question god it’s the sin of people