This half-pound kitten was so tiny, he could fit inside a tissue box — now he pounces on his siblings every chance he gets and still …
This half-pound kitten was so tiny, he could fit inside a tissue box — now he pounces on his siblings every chance he gets and still …
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He has that tny ktn energy. 😀
Omg he reminds me of my baby. He passed away a couple months ago.
the kitten is so adorable
Excellent story feed him well he will grow.🙏
I have a tiny one like this. She’s just a touch bigger than this but she still fits in one hand and she’s 12 weeks old.
He is ADORABLE❤ What is his name?
So cute& naughty 🤣😅🙏🏽😘😘🥳
what is it about animals – hardly limited to pint-sized balls of fury – and tissue? on the roll or from a box (more/less the same stuff) you have to hope you can train them or keep the loo door closed. ☮
LOL, such a cute concept! Loved it.
i love him so much i cryed ❤︎❤︎❤︎❤︎
God bless you for giving this little tycoon a family and home that he deserves 🙏🏻
Such a happy little boy…so adorable
Your beautiful little one. Grow Grow Grow.💐🌋🌄☀️ You are loved.💕🐱
I love when the little kitty's get the zoomies! Too cute
I love love animals but can't have any pets because of where I live but I enjoy looking at them and all God's blessings to everyone who,s so kind hearted to help animals, thank you all ❤️
Cats never cease to amaze me
Adorable….. I also adopted a kitten from my street… And now she became tooo tooo lazy 😅😅😅😅
Yeah so cute 🙏🙏🙏😍😍😍
Lovely lady – lucky little kitten
My kitten angel was only pound she could fit in my hands. She was rescue kitten out of dumpster. She my other half . Love my cat she is spaz at times but cutey pie.
He is tooo cute
"Such a loud meow"
Mans had to put everything into it just to be heard in a conversation… ofc he gonna be loud
He's also too faking adorable.
Awe so glad he pulled through🐾🐾❤️❤️
I want him, whys he so damm adorable.♥🧡💛💚💙💜
So cute!!
It's not the size of the cat in a fight, it's the size of the fight in the cat.
Oh my goodness
Where can i get an angel like this!?
God Bless+
Such a cute video
My youngest kitty was that small in 2014 and now he is a 22 lb big marble tabby tubby kitty.
He's a runt. We got a runt from of a whole healthy batch of kittens.
Oh my goodness!! I, glad this little kitten got t9 live his life for longer. He’s such a cutie! 🐈
I want him he and i have no family. We would be great for each other. He would be the king in my apartment. God bless you for saving him god bless him. I hope he had a long healthy happy life
Yeah, our little Rescue Cats that survive, well, they've already seen the Face of Death, and they're not impressed.
Cat love!
Kitty is so much like one our cats, Inkspot, growing up. Inky was mostly ears when we got her and she fitted entirely in my palm. Infact she sat up straight , in my palm. 😹😹😹😹
Omg this our Ruby
Toooo cute ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
You and tiny Kitty-Cat are lucky to have found one another. He's had to be a fighter to survive…….what a wonderful kitten!!!
I don’t like women. But good job angel lady. Luca
Napoleon should have been his name
This car is exactly like my kitten! She was living in rough conditions the most anti social, sever since I brought her home she hasn’t left my shoulders –
I love him!!
I hope you keep the kitten he obviously wants to your pet