It was an astonishing sight along US-131 near Dorr Thursday as a car launched in to the air over an overpass. (Jan. 14, 2022)
It was an astonishing sight along US-131 near Dorr Thursday as a car launched in to the air over an overpass. (Jan. 14, 2022)
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He said, hold my beer …
0:39 Driver already have ton of bad record to boot while doing this, I guess the driver just.. 'Ramp' up his record even more.. in not good way.
,wow that's crazy
Them dukes boys are at it again!
Gunrapids finest
Those Duke boys are at it again!
I didn't know they came out with knightrider cars
Nice air, needs to work on his landings though…
Are they waiting for him to kill someone before they lock his but up?
Why is the driver’s vehicle flying?
Jesus Christ that’s Jason Bourne
Is the car a tesla
i literally was driving towards that section and as i left the gas station he did the jump and literally all the cars that were coming toward the bridge slammed on the brakes and everyone at once got out of there cars and looked down the hill where he landed
1st class priority sending the mail….
Roslyn bliss the mayor of grand Rapids. Lies like your trash of grandrapids fires. Susan. Need your bank accounts ?
So that's all of your footage? No aftermath pics? Is this South Bend news ??
Only sad thing is this fool is still in the gene pool.
This video is getting more frequent flyer miles than the pilot of this car and a rap sheet longer than the runway. 🤣