Life in the bush is hard and short for many animals. Have you ever seen a brown hyena crash a cheetah dinner party? What about a Goliath Tarantula kill and gobble a “fer de lance” snake? If you want to see some wicked fights, keep watching, as we countdown 15 top worst cruel fighting moments of wild animals.
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Two people were driving through zone number 2’s Tiger trail named Latthala when they noticed a large animal had turned his back quickly as it faced the vehicle. They assumed it was a tiger at first glimpse, but after a close look, noticed it was a full-grown Hyena with dark black stripes and heavy fur, and a big mane on its back. The Driver was more concerned with the tiger tracks he was focusing on. They began driving a little faster and as they drove up, they saw two hyenas fighting each other. It was really rare to see the sight. The guests in the vehicle were thrilled, speechless, and everyone was quite excited. One of them quickly took the camera and started filming. No, these two brown hyenas are not enjoying a day at the spa together. They are involved in a ferocious battle, except they decided to have in the water. I guess, they’re able to hydrate themselves better this way. It seems like brown hyenas don’t get along so well. We get a glimpse of two more brown scavengers fighting each other. There seems to be a lot of dissension in the clan. One-on-one, hyenas can take wild dogs because they are bigger and have more powerful jaws. However, two wild dogs against one hyena, just like in this video, seems to end in a stalemate.
Sparrow Hawk
It was his neighbor’s backyard, only 50 meters away from his house, where he witnessed this fight. His attempts to communicate with the sparrow hawk were unsuccessful. He was too preoccupied with trying to kill the pigeon to pay attention to what was going on around him. To save a bird, he couldn’t risk jumping into his neighbor’s garden. This may be Sparrow hawk’s only meal in a long time, so he let nature take its course. A sparrow hawk attacks a crow in a backyard, and it doesn’t take time before the bird of prey kills the crow. This Sparrow hawk male killed a Starling in a man’s garden. The Starling fought well but lost in the end. It is rare to get this kind of footage this close. This is nature at its rawest. During the filming, he heard the bird screaming a lot, which alerted him to it being there. Another starling takes a beating, and the culprit is once again the sparrow hawk. The bird of prey stands on top of the starling, with its talons clamped on its prey.
That With the zebra uhm…. Its fake
dude ever since i subbed iv been hoping for the day you'd change the voice@ countdown…i mean everytime im reminded of these many other click bait channels with their overly cringey dramatic voice just to compensate their shitty content by sounding like this lol…love your uploads and i feel your normal voice during narration is ear candy
These Thumbnail pics you put up are utterly fake & voyeuristic.
This is a demonstration, of what us humans, look like in today's world
Guess he doesn't know the difference between a leopard and a jaguar.
Commentary is great!
Nature is beautiful even at it's most vicious and frightening. Glad us humans don't have to survive like that any more. Just hope we do our killing for food a little more nicely. We need to relearn to use all of what we take. We should give thanks as well. If you don't believe in a higher power Atleast give thanks to the animal that is feeding you. In the end it could have been you. Not being mean or crass it's just the plane truth. Life sucks when you see stuff up front even when animals kill to survive. We do the same except we raise animals to eat.
I don’t see nothing cruel in this video this is clickbait
A Jaguar is not a Leopard.
Human life is lot better compear to animals
The dogs are protecting its owner how the fuck do you get that out of this video deer deer hunting the Jaguar that’s called poaching not protecting
I don't care if it is nature doesn't need to be posted wtf
That jaguar had been shot. It would kill all those dogs were him healthy.
Sorry but the first jaguar one in the actual video the dog owner shot the jaguar and the dogs killed it fuc them

Not worth ones time this video
POS for attacking that leopard or jaguar.
Watch it without volume, it much better!!!
The pic of the zebra with the calf camping out and the hiena chasing us a fake picture … you can tell is photoshop
The narrator keeps calling a Jaguar a leopard and corrects himself and does it again. lol
Jaguar is NOT a Leopard!! 5:48
Nessuna, perché non amo che animali si ammazzano,so che lo fanno per mangiare, per proteggere il loro territorio (cuccioli, ettc),ma non amo vedere animali morire,di nessun tipo,oddio questi video, anche se può essere spettacolare, ma non mi piace vedere animali morire,nessuna,amo troppo i animali.
It's nothing compared to what you see, in some of London's housing estates…
Are you assuming that leopards and jaguars are the same?
How can you be thrilled to watch this I think this is a little bit too much and too violent it’s kind of horrifying actually and who the hell would let their dogs on a tiger I don’t get these people
being group mauled by a pack of any animal must be a PTSD moment for any animal that survives. the fear must be overwhelming being attached from every angle. almost no hope.
I love to watch animal eat alive
Very funny and entertain me so much. XD
correct your fact! the master not stoping the dogs from bite the leopard. the master tell his dogs to bite the leopard on purpose. a coward human. let your dog fight one by one with the leopard or cougar. let see the result in just a sec.
Great video, natire at its finest I hate to jump on the bandwagon, however, it looks like no one has mentioned this scrolling through the comments, but..
No snake or spider are poisonous, they're venomous.
Jaguars and Leopards are different annimals.
First off, you're pretty good
. But man, keep the jokes to yourself and check the footage before you release it! Calling things the wrong name, parts of it are quite obviously photo shopped. I've seen the real footage. Hats off for having a crack, just make sure you fact check. Goodluck! 
The most brutal, vicious and savage fighters win
Be ruthless
His wasn't very cruel or or yeah I've seen alot worse
Its not leopard u just sed jag 2 diffrent animales! Menso
I keep waitin for a Hunter assasin to appear soon, and assasinate several idiot Hunters
One swipe from the leopards paw would do it in!! I seriously hope they weren't trained to purposely do this
Commentary is absolutely terrible
Baby zebra coming out of mother looks photo shopped.
Zebra said fuck that i can make another one just got to make it
Wow the zebra didn’t gaf about her baby in the end. “Eh I can make another one”
Whilst it's not pleasant viewing , it's not cruel. Cruel is dropping bombs from 30,000 feet on innocent civilians. Humans are intentionally cruel for no immediate survival ends.
My thoughts exactly, definitely was a Jaguar
Click bait!