Saving Rocky The Husky | Will He Find a Home?

Saving Rocky The Husky | Will He Find a Home?
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Saving Rocky the Siberian Husky. This Husky was another situation where he was just in the wrong place and needed a better home. Rocky sat at Animal Control for over 2 months before we were able to find a foster home to take this dog! Sometimes dog rescue isn’t all happiness, but I think today’s video will end on a happy note!
Rocky, this is your freedom ride!

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Helping Huskies in Need! Husky Transport and Husky Rescue Videos! This is our list of all of the Huskies we have helped rescue and transport for the Hairy Houdini Siberian Husky Rescue. These huskies were all in need of help in some way or another. Rescuing a Dog doesn’t only mean adopting it. It can mean many things, such as doing a Dog Transport, a Freedom Ride, giving a dog a ride to a Safe Animal Shelter or Dog Shelter, or transporting them to a new Foster home. There are so many ways you can help save animals, and adoption isn’t the only way. Not everyone can adopt every dog. So transporting a dog to a new home, or a foster home, or a shelter, can actually help save a life. Many of these dogs are pulled from Kill Shelter, or have been seized in neglect cases, or are just from families who could no longer keep them.


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About the Author: Gone to the Snow Dogs


  1. I wouldn’t mind fostering, and being a foster failure. I have a feeling I would do the failing part more often. I would want to keep all the dogs I would foster lol❤️

  2. He is so beautiful! He kind of looks like The Husky Moon. I would like to adopt a Husky, but I’m too busy with a Border Collie puppy right now… I hope he enjoys his new home! 🐾

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