Big thanks to Nuke for creating this compilation, this video was amazing as usual!
Give Nukes Top 5 some love: https://www.youtube.com/c/NukesTop5
The video we reacted to: https://youtu.be/QzPYP2eij-M
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The Light Side: https://www.instagram.com/tls_paranormal
Alice: https://www.instagram.com/aliceaddams/
Jenna: https://www.instagram.com/jennafaboolous
Also may God bless you
Love these videos. Making a suggestion but have you tried an AdikTheOne Try not to laugh challenge? He’s pretty good.
Jenna to the rescue
When the original videos add scary or tenseful musics, that's 100% fake to me, cuz I can't imagine anyone adding musics to real paranormal activity captured on camera.
le monde est plein de mystère et de paranormal et j'adore ça.
Hi Alice
Thermal camera…downright chilling. Dammit, Nuke…lol
OMG really beautiful sharing have a beautiful day and fantastic evening stay safe and blessed always, new friend
Hey girls I hope All is Good . Hard day for your boy My Moms passed away this morning it sucks I'm trying gonna watch this and try to crash . Everybody have a Good night . Peace
Great video and nice save. Poor Alice seems to have tech issues a lot which sucks.
If the really haunted events are true, then that's one nasty spirit that needs to go away.
6:55 – when I saw this on Nuke's channel I thought the same thing. That could be a real dude. She might have a stalker or, at the least, a prankster, in her building.
10:00 since the door is covered in glass or something, it could easily be a reflection from somewhere in the room with her.
13:32 could just be a shadow from the light outside. Chernobyl does have wild animals and there's claims on homeless people living there. The "manifestation" is harder to explain, but it could also be variation in the heat signature that were interpreted by pareidolia. The footsteps are weird, I'll grant that, but if we believe there are homeless people in Chernobyl then that explains it easily enough.
21:30 is real hard to explain away. I have nothing …
22:10 – stuff falling and moving is easy enough to explain, especially if we believe his wife is gone like she said but rather just there off camera. The gas stove or alarm are disconcerting. 23:30 are easily faked.
Basically, if it looks too good to be true then an objective third party needs to come in and investigate to corroborate.
27:20 – a roof tile fell in a dilapidated building? Say it ain't so! 28:53 could be anything from a squatter to a mannequin. We need more information. 30:00 – the foot steps could be a squatter. We just don't know.
While I'm always on the lookout for "real" footage, I must remain forever skeptical.
Thank you for sharing
Angel hugs and blessings to you all
Hello, Alice. I waiting for a video. Tell Chris, Gavin and Jenna I said hi. You all put out really great videos. Great work, keep it up
Soooo, when exactly do you call in the spirit guides and ancestors to handle these bits???
Watching this at 3:00am xD
I missed watching Alice and jenna
Hi Alice! 👋🏻 Thanks for the react video. Always a pleasure to watch and hear your opinions. Say ”Hi!” to Jenna from me.
Sending love from the Philippines! ❤️🇵🇭