Extreme fights Tiger vs Bear , Wild Animals Attack
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Constancy Part 3 – The Descent by Kevin MacLeod is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 licence. https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/
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Constancy Part 2 – The Descent by Kevin MacLeod is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 licence. https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/
Source: http://incompetech.com/music/royalty-free/index.html?isrc=USUAN1100773
Artist: http://incompetech.com/
Constancy Part 1 – The Descent by Kevin MacLeod is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 licence. https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/
Source: http://incompetech.com/music/royalty-free/index.html?isrc=USUAN1100775
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Who is stronger? Tiger or Bear?
The bear shown fighting the tiger is a sloth bear around 250 pounds average. Grizzlies bears are 1000-1700 pounds.
Tiger can not handle a full grown brown bear. No way!
Ja vi dois ursos beisudos botar o tigre pra correr
я люблю это видеоэто круто
Bear beats lion lion beats tiger tiger beats bear.
Paper rock siccors.
Grizzly bear would fuck it up. Even a pack of wolves knows that one grown grizzly will end their whole career.
Need to listen to narrator telling you exactly what is going on. The bear in video is not fully grown. In fact, it is pretty small. Grown bear will destroy a tiger. Would not even be close.
I love bear. Please do more bear video
hyggelig jeg liker kanalen din
Stronger = bear, but better killer i’m going big cats, the animal equivalent of special forces!
I bearly know what to say after seeing this…
Thats baby bear grizzly kill the tiger
Please save baby bear from tiger.
Two friends, that's all
No music better
Wer ist stärker Tieger oder Bär. DDenke Bär.
Is not grizzly … Thise only baby american bear
Tiger is boss
quello è un cucciolo di orso
You don't want to challenge a grizzly forget about it
Lol s bear doesn't know kill what ??
Grizzly 🐻 would destroy a 🐯 I love.tigers there Awesome but a grizzly would destroy the tiger
Grizzly bear would bitch slap both tiger and lion to oblivion in a same fight night.
Grizzly have the killer instinct they just don’t use it unless threatened. Most of the time.
Сибирский медведь разорвет эту кису как птичку только уссурийский тигр может противостоять да ито и лев просто царь не русских хверей наш миша его один на один разорвет так что передайте привет от русских мишек царям там всяким)
Ich liebe Tiger, aber gegen Bären sind es nur Spielzeuge. Habe im Zoo im China gearbeitet, und wir hatten Tage da hatten wir uns einen Spaß daraus gemacht die Tiere raufen zu sehen. Gruß Bing Ha.
As powerful a Tiger is I don't think it 8s any match for a Grizzly or Polar bear
In a head on fight, a coastal grizzly or Kodiak bear will annihilate any tiger. They’re almost 3x bigger, way stronger, more durable and have much better endurance than a tiger. Big cats have weak staminas and aren’t good fighters, but they’re great hunters.
People saying Siberian Tigers kill brown bears forget to mention that it’s always via ambush, and mostly on sub adults and female brown bears. In a head on fight, A coastal Grizzly, Kodiak Or Polar Bear would demolish a tiger most of the time. Coastal Grizzlies and Kodiak Bears can weigh up to 1500lbs while Siberian Tigers only weigh up to 390lbs on average now, and they occasionally reach 500-600lbs.
I find this video extremely inacturate . thumbs down dont like.
Kodiak Bear and Polar Bear can beat all tigers but other bears cant defeat tigers
Why are there only ever small bears in these match ups against cats??? Some bears are absolutley fing massive…i just watched two bears fighting on youtube and either of those would kill any tiger or lion in the universe…
Показываете в титрах в килограммах ..?
The slap of grizzly or polar bear is enough to dislocate the face of any tiger. Its almost like a bruce lee vs a well trained sumo wrestler.
Медвежьи боты тут как тут. Поднял из берлоги и был разорван на кусочки. Не понимаю мышление этих ботов. Охотники коменты не пишут, егеря тоже. Нужен вердикт специалистов, а не диванных экспертов. Тигр могучая кошка, очень сильная кошка. Я за тигра, однозначно.
no ps pa mi q gana el oso pero si es un oso grande
You put a tiger and a bear both same size bear wins every time.
Tiger bite force is 1050psi
В 90ом году видел последствия того,что взрослый амурский тигр поднял из берлоги бурого медведя.Оба были в самом рассвете сил и здоровые.В общем медведь буквально разорвал кота на фрагменты не больше пачки сигарет размерами.
Но оба хищника предпочтут не драться.При чем при встрече тигр уйдет от боя первым.При условии,что противник именно бурый медведь.
That was awesome to watch all of different species of wildlife animals
I'm enjoyed .
I haven't watched this yet but my bets are on the cat, every time.
A sloth bear, smaller than a tiger, can exhaust the tiger and the sloth bear lives. Rarely would a tiger and a brown bear meet up with a fight, and rarely would any tiger win by any means.
mas que babaquice hein !!!
urso do tamanho de um porco !? kkk
quero vê o tigre encarar um urso pardo gigante…. vocês são sem noção
Tigers are carefull when approaching a bear. Doesn't mean its an even match for a bear. On similar size tiger has an obvious advantages.