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About the Author: Tony St.pierre


  1. The intro is too long and I'm sorry. I didn't think about it at the time. The intro on the newest vids have been lowered to 10 seconds. Thanks for watching

  2. The third fight where the chick is running her mouth she don't understand instead of beating her up they will get her bf and there is around 3 women don't understand what they are doing

  3. Back in my prime i would of whooped any of these boys hell i got 20 years on modt of ya kiddos here im a medically retired fire man with severe osteoarthritis in my back and neck severe nerve pain and all that shit so i calmed down in life the last street fight i was in was 2 months ago when my asshole neighbor came on to my property and disrespected my beautiful wife then took a wide haymaker swing i blocked with my left arm and proceeded to whoop his ass him and his ole lady even moved after that and im a older man with a bad back and neck and daddy still has it

  4. damn i couldn ttell if i am just stoned and accidentally pausin the intro or if that son of a bitch is really 2 pictures and 1 minute long. either way happy to see some fights i havent seen before

  5. I wish u the best with your channel….but ya gotta look for better fights than these lol. I did get a good laugh out of these though. Most of them were comical so at least there's that.

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