New year, new fails! Looks like Santa didn’t bring anyone good luck for Christmas. It’s been a rough start to 2022 already, but we wouldn’t have it any other way. Happy #FailFriday! #failarmy #fails
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The greatest fails usually begin with, “Hey guys, watch this!!”
People who laugh after getting failed are the real inspiration
That opening videos laugh is brilliant have a great weekend everyone
0:31 well thats one way to get the snow off the powerline
5:12 he said « La 8.6 » in french
Follow please
These are from 2021 at the latest. 1) Summer is 6 months away, 2) Christmas is 11 months away. Idiots.
0:50 how did that make it in but a video of my cat getting slapped by a chicken didnt
Wow this was epically boring
The Mini cooper had me dying 😂
4:53 she’s right you’re not allowed to keep the fridge open
For some people, pain is not powerful enough to keep them from being stupid.
My favorite fails…skateboarders smashing their nuts and idiot beach goers who turn their backs to the ocean and get pummeled by waves.
I watched all your videos pretty much.. there is just a few more and then what am I going to do?? Make more! Please!
you have to blur out alcoholic drinks now?
this kind of videos are absolutele NO fun!
Damn must've been a slow week
Worse fail army yet!
0:34 anyone notice how their tail lights turned off after the impact 😳
1:30 some nice vogue dance moves
That car was flying in the snow. Had to be a young buc or woman
Did you now that fail is actually a success, beacuse you succeed to fail (think aboit it) 🤔😂👑😂😁🔥
Took me ages to realize he's just holding a beer and not a dildo or something. The unnecessary blur really threw me off.
Laughing at the Border Collie on the basketball court? Fail. Big time fail.
That opening videos laugh is brilliant 🤣 have a great weekend everyone ❤
half of these were not even "lol" worthy – you need to up your game if you want to keep your audience.
Yep….that's white UUUUUUUSAIN BOLT right there 🤣🤣🤣🤣
Can someone explain why is alcohol blocked in this video?
What is the name of the America f* yeah! what you gonna do tana nana na song
3:40 I don't get whats wrong with this one, unless she "squished" his "thing" 😅💯
3.38 I don't get what was/went wrong! -DID IT GET Ripped OUT-. Makes no sense. Everything seemed fine.
When friends laugh at you for hurting yourself
Then it's time for some new friends
Don't film verical, ashole.
This… isn’t that funny
That opening videos laugh is brilliant have a great weekend everyone
Why do you have to blur out beer?
3:15 legend says he's still slipping on the ice
All I see is a bunch of leftist being all they can be 🤷♂️
What was going on with the tree
1:14 Watched too many execution videos. This one makes me disturbed.
The mini cooper one was funny