A plane crashes 4000 meters up in the Andes. After 10 days rescuers give up the search. The abandoned survivors have no water or food. Facing starvation, they find themselves debating if they should eat the flesh of those who were lost in the crash. They are trapped for weeks in one of the most forbidding environments on earth. After 61 days in an attempted to save themselves and their comrades.
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“Today is the most important day of my life” heavy words of a man that’s been through something.
상상만 해도 너무너무 끔찍하고 소름 돋지만, 그 여정을 견디고 생존하신게 정말로 대단하고 감동적이네요.
43:47 I got chills
The final exam for the Navy SEALS BUDS School should be starving them for a few weeks and making them do that journey.
O my god😭😭😭😭😭😭
You tube is getting desperate for money if they post ads on OBVIOUS reruns!
Rescuers navry idiot noob because they dont believe the oldman that cross is the sign to rescue & sign of something that mountain & they dont search in the ground they search in the air & just shoot photos…if they act quick in the ground more lives they rescue on that plane crasshed.
they sw already the cross signed but never went to confirm. Lazy officials
the story was cutted a lot of it's part.
John 3:16 For God so loved the world that that He gave His only Son whosoever believe in Him shall not perish have eternal life. Repent of your sins and surrender your life to Jesus Christ. He is the way the truth and life,
this was a gruesomely agony for the survivors, May god bless those who didnt make it, while biggest salute to those three brave guys who never gave up heavenly i was truly amazed for this 72 days of the agony, obstacles and the positive determination to stay alive
People can read if you give them subtitles. That way you dont have to put a speaker voice over people charing their story.
I m wonder why rescuver took long time to find out the crash side.
Mehh, just ordered a Piiiiizza & wit EXTRA …. meat 😉 as'well . Burning a Blunt in me back yaard with close to 2ft SNOW me Ese & -20 TOO ….. damn . I dont feel bad at all & appreiate THUS tho & the movie of this too. Blunt Done! Time for WARMTH & pizza here now . C'YA's , stay Safe & warm ….
Bravo 👏🏼 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼
It is astounding what the human mind and body can endure and accomplish. And yet today…. it seems like the majority of the worlds young people can't get passed sitting in their mommy's basement, playing video games.
What a waste of humanity.
You Americans will eat anything lol
What a story its crazy Miracle
A remarkable, even surreal, recount of survival. A lesson on how precious life is, and our will to hold onto it even under the most challenging conditions. "Alive" .. the appropriately named book, recalls the story.
21:49 Bruh that got my toes hurtin’. After day 3 I would’ve started walking to find civilization and brought a weapon just incase of wolves/bears.
Wow just wow
These Mexicans were smart for a change. They did what it took to survive. Good job!
This brings a whole new, dark and disgusting and terrifying meaning to, “You are what you eat”
People shouldn't blame those guys for offering human flesh to the remaining survivors bcoz that was the only way to be alive if we were to bee in the shoe we would do more than that
Oh that's ever and ever strongest guys watching the survivors stories
Amazing story
I Just meet Roberto at the Gas Station, in Barradas, here in Montevideo. He is such a unique carácter. One of the greatest's human beans y know…Gustavo Zerbino too
This is the most amazing survival story of ALL TIMES.
I would rather die then to eat human or any meat since I am a vegetarian for atleast 300 years because my ancestors were all Vegeterians and my parents too.
I would throw up immediately as I see meat in any form near me.
"In order to succeed you must try" AMEN to that, and God Bless 🙏😇 all of them