Karen Fights With Security At Ralph's Supermarket + Bonus

Karen Fights With Security At Ralph's Supermarket + Bonus
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An anti-mask woman is denied service at Ralph’s supermarket and fights with security when asked to leave.

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  1. How hard would be for the managers of these stores to have female security guards?. If they have them that crazy woman would be dragged all the way outside. The "don't touch me" thing is just to scare security based on "I'm a woman and a pervert just touched my body". On second though, if a woman remove these creatures from a store, they would accuse them of making uncalled deviant sexual advances on them. We should bring back corporal punishment, nothing too extreme, a couple of slaps with a flip-flop on the bum will do.

  2. The moment a Karen starts Karening, you call the cops. Otherwise, they'll never learn, and they'll be emboldened to keep Karening.

    PS: Yes, I just turned the name Karen into a verb.

  3. Republicans appear to be stuck in the same part of their brain they used as children. No adult type of thinking or emotion control. Pitch a fit is all they got.

  4. I am almost angrier at the cowards in the background of that supermarket that stood there and didn't defend that security guard and call that hideous monster out for her EVIL. I have no doubt in my mind that if I were there when this unbelievable SELFISH BITCH started pulling that shit, I would have knocked her out and HAPPILY gone to jail for it. The level of evil that it takes to refuse to put a little piece of cloth over your face in order to help save LIVES is inexplicable. HOW DARE you call yourself a patriot and claim to love your country, when asking you to do something as simple as wear a mask to save the lives of your fellow Americans, is too much to ask?

  5. …. I'm trying to figure out why there are Karens in the reply section of this video. Why do you stay where you are hated so? Are you that ignorant and oblivious? Do you enjoy being reminded that, as a Karen, you are a such worthless Cunt that a session of Masturbation with extremely coarse Sandpaper is preferable to dealing with your ass.

    I hate people.

  6. And we wonder why the pandemic keeps going and going!!! The anti masker at their core ,is a selfish entitled brat who doesn't give a damn about anyone else. Funny thing is they probably consider themselves to be Christian Patriots but are far from either.

  7. I would've beat that lady up for saying she is gonna bring loaded guns to school…on the spot hopefully the local cops went to her house an took whatever guns she had for good

  8. Love how the second Karen immediately ended up apologizing in a statement the moment she was actually charged by the police and taken into custody. Trynna backtrack and say how she didn’t mean it literally.

    Lady got spooked. 😂

  9. The grocery store chick needs to get knocked down! Enough of these crazy women taking up all of our time because they think their above policies, ugh.

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