NATURAL DISASTERS this week from 21 – 27 March 2021 Climate changе! disasters 2021 flood
The release features natural disasters around the world. Climate is changing, and this is very noticeable Climate Change!, that’s where the power is !!!! ,
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The Creator of the universe said that before His return He will destroy the earth by fire! It is happening now!
just Nuclear-Weapons (even if it's just toughing it-in the ocean-or sky-it's still effects the earth)
and Direct Energy Weapons (DEW) cause that type of unbelievable atmospheric-dissusters
wonder who are NASA
هياء ايش ذنب البشر في العالم يا بني أسرئيل
Viața și sufletul sunt valoroase,
Aici ne arată Domnul ca tot ce e material pe lumea aceasta nu are nicio valoare, totul e o mare deșertăciune.
Nu sunt dezastre naturale,tot ce se întâmplă e voia lui Dumnezeu Atotputernic
Dumnezeu trimite aceste dezastre ca sa vina lumea la pocăință și să fie mântuită
It breaks my heart to see the devastation in my country 🇦🇺 Australia and other countries around the world 🌎 and it's just getting worse 🙏 GOD BLESS US ALL,world devastation mother nature,s domanation and she will reclaim the world 🌎 again
Bill Gates wants to cool the Earth down. He is an idiot.
How is all this linked to climate change again?
ALLHMDULILLAH Cepaaaaattttt Masuk Agama ISLAM Dan Taat SHOLLAT Dalam Kekhusyukan Pada ALLOHSWT Saudara'saudaraku😘💖😍🤗
Stop weather warfare!!!
There may be climate disasters BUT they are NOT man made. Weather changes always has always will.
Only human is to blame
In Jesus Christ name
That's the effect of human greed power and control . You cannot keep drilling oil gas the more drilling oil distroying forest landslide
Ice melting without oil under
The effects
Strong wind Ocean getting bigger wave without the oil that swing the ocean if massive hole collapse
Expect sunami and more space for smoke volcano erupted
Strong water
Flooding ice mud
If all ice land will melt the whole land on earth will disappear
Time to build new biggest flooting city just like Noah in the Bible stories
Jesus Christ and the spirit of the universe Amen.
Nothing has happened in Africa. Because GOD know that we are poor to come out from this terrible situation. We also pray not to happen any thing in our continent. Specially we Ethiopian did this for many years. You knew that no European countries come to our country for colony. We the only African country which defit Italy and embarrassed them. We know you developed country try to humiliate us concern for Ethiopian movement for development. But GOD is with us as he did in all time!!!
Climate is driven by the sun, and the changes, if they are changes, come from solar cycles. Man's activities have little to do with it!. Remember the flooding in Bangladesh 40 years ago, the floods in the mid west 30 years ago, Hurricane Katrina, the drought called the dust bowl in the 30s. Strange how we can fool people into thinking we did this! None of these events are strange, or unusual, it's not getting worse, and it's not human activity.
Man calls it " Climate Change " the word of God calls it "The earth crying out to God " It is he that tells the wind where/ when to blow ,He ( God) created it all.
Climate change? how do you know? Have you ever know how planets evolve?
Acts of God almighty, if you don't believe you will as they will continue to increase in intensity. It is written. God destroyed the world in a great flood (Genesis 6:5) and destroyed sodom and gomorrah (Genesis 19) this time it will be destroyed by fire (2peter 3:7) repent, turn from your wicked ways and turn to Jesus Christ while there is still time.
Everything that it's happening now it was written long time ago if it was written it should be done
shows us how far gone we are from Ma nature, also technology can not help during natural disasters, we need to come back to our natural abilities, like the animals???
I love disasters
Our solar system has merged with another system with two suns, they're affecting our planet. It's a 3000 + year cycle. You can even predict the earthquakes with NASA ISWA graph. Check out AngryCatfish Briggs for more info.
Adding lousy backgroundmusic to clips like this is just stupid and immature. Show some respect to the victims and turn that rubbish off. Job 2: 11 – 13.
Increasing floods sign of earthquake
This weather is Bill Gates and his mob doing this, the weather and the storms, not volcanos just look him up and see what he has planned for the world all of the world he wants depopulation