We’ve loaded up all of the best dashcam footage and open road fails we could find into one terrifyingly hilarious video. Eleven minutes of dashcam chaos like this reminds us all to wear a seatbelt and stay on the right side of the road, except for when you need to tuck and roll.
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The way the biker rolled was like something out of a GTA game.
Evidence were getting ripped off for the driver's license funds. Ours is at Walmart next to the bubble gum machine at the entrance.
4:13 the result of two female drivers. Female Alaina reverses without looking, female #2 fails to use the car horn and decides to scream inside her car, as if Alaina could hear her 😂.
Was that last one real 😳
I have so many questions
Almost all the voices sound alike and they all ask the same question WTF ! My question is this, " Is there a lesson to be learned here" ?
@6:40 I'm sorry, we can only give $100 until it clears on Monday.
Oh shit … that last one was on Angeles Crest Hwy
The clip where things are flying off the back of that pick up, reminded me of James Bond deploying one of his tricks – the button marked 'scatter objects into path of enemy'!
Awesome platform
The timing to be rolling by the same time the sewer explodes is fuckin awesome lmao
2:03 car: oh hear let me close your gate OW!
@7:45 and they can't figure out why they break their ankles stepping off a curb. They're NOT MEANT to carry that much weight, people.
At 2:30 what was that
6:40 LOL that's a special person behind the wheel alright 😀
People really can be sht drivers.
That last one…… I was Like….. NO NO NO NO NO NO….. 😳😵😵😵😵😵
Some peaples laugh about all of that are not human… Don t forget some persons cryed about that !!😡
I'm amazed on how many a**holes cause an accident an just keep on rolling..
Watching on big tablet and last video made my stomach turn 😂
0:42 well thats one way to get rid of a date
First place idiot award. Log truck driver
3:17 he said fudge not the f-word
5:02 respect 😎
8:33 🤣🤣
1:29 😬😬😬😬
The last one was a cliffhanger…..literally.
10:12…. ooohhhh YEAAAAA …. very cool !!!! WOW !!
The one with the lambo is a pretty big problem, not because anything is wrong with the car but because its a rental and people want to hear it so they do like this person, and that just over heats it because there is no airflow to cool the exhaust.
0:01 tried His best to NOT avoid the obstacle, lol.
Best one was the supercar on fire 🔥 with the driver completely oblivious because they’re too busy posing for a selfie 🤳
5:06 what a dodge! the driver is indeed a ds3 pro gamer.
That last cat was SOOOO lucky!
اللهم صلي وسلام على سيدنا محمد رسول الله عليه صلاة وسلام على سيدنا محمد رسول الله عليه صلاة وسلام
اللهم صلي وسلام على سيدنا محمد رسول الله عليه صلاة وسلام على سيدنا محمد رسول الله عليه صلاة وسلام
اللهم صلي وسلام على سيدنا محمد رسول الله عليه صلاة وسلام على سيدنا محمد رسول الله عليه صلاة وسلام
10:20 felt like it was me
I love my apartment on the second floor. I can have anything I need delivered. I may never leave.
3:07 чуть похоже на "пункт назначения"))