Hello Guys, Welcome back to my channel, In this video I have to show you about you’ll see how I deal with my condition.
Love you guys💕
Thank you for watching 💕
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💕 More Video Please Subscribe
Das video ist von vet clinic gambia
Q es est
Insisto en los guantes
Stolen Videos from Gambia Thief's
you took this video from the Gambia website…liar and a fraud!
Thanks so much
Seen better .all you show is a tease.
La vidéo de quelqu'un d'autre !
Видео украли у доктора Миши
Video from the Gambia
Stolen Video !!!
Dude this isn't your video
This belongs to Gambia Vet Clinic. You stole this video to make money. You need to go make your own video's. AND QUIT STEALING VIDEO'S.
De hace tres años o más de otro canal que ahora no lo veo todos los vídeos son de es canal .
Armer Schatz 😪.. Danke für die Hilfe ❤️☘️
Low hanging fruit from dr Myers Gambia clinic
Just another thief, stealing someone else's hard work & video.
A little butter, some garlic and voila, dinner.
Why do you find it necessary to steal other people's video's. Will not subscribe
These are NOT your videos, Micah in Gambia did these 5 or 6 years ago!!😩☹️
Seems like if they neutered the dog, no need to crush his balls. WTF??!! That poor dog. Glad someone is helping him get rid of worms, but come on. Spay and neuter!
SEND NO MONEY! DO NOT SUBSCRIBE. This is the product of Dr Micha Meyer of Cordylobia Anthropophaga and VetClinicGambia YouTube channels. He is the vet in this video along with his assistant Fatou Conta. His practice was in the Gambia, Africa. The purveyors of this channel did not help this animal. See his channels for similar content with full video, full screen, banter, and backstory, along with proper lighting. SEND NO MONEY!
these videos are stolen from michel the vet from cambia
OMG not the scrotum area ,I hope he was put to sleep while working on him
Stolen video from Dr Micha Meyer formally of the Gambia. Stop thief and make your own
💩👎👿 Stolen video
This channel is reposting videos from the channel Cordylobia Anthropophaga
These videos belong to the German Veterinarian: Dr. Michael (Mischa) Meyer, veterinarian and his assistant Fatou Conta in the vet clinic in Gambia in Africa. Dr. Michael Meyer went back to Germany, his homeland. His channels Cordylobia Anthropophaga and VetClinicGambia are still on YouTube..
Stop stealing videos from Vet Clinic Gambia.
Stop stealing videos from Vet Clinic Gambia.
Stolen video
I felt that first bit !!!! …..Edit….. good lord there was more …… that's nuts !!!!
Stop stealing videos from Vet Clinic Gambia. Shame on you.
These are not your videos you just added music to other people's videos and he literally asked people not to copy his videos.
Stolen video.
Pobre perro! ❤️
For other suffering ANIMALS, ARMY in each Country should go out and RESCUE ANIMALS OR put them out of their misery especially to Deserts
All the. Blessings 🙌 to all Vets and Rescuers
Stolen videoNEED TO DELETE
Stolen video!
Had it not been for the help of the Angel People, these poor dogs would have been devoured alive.
Thank You on their behalf and from myself for Your dedication
Bogumiła – Poland ☺️🐾