Scary People Who Might Be From Hell | Marathon
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These people who are sick and twisted and every bit of evil as you would imagine actually might not be from this realm or from this planet at all, but they might come from the realm below us trying to create chaos on the planet. That’s our only explanation at this point as to what would cause these people to do the things they did.
#scarypeople #creepystories #scary #scaryvideos #scarytruestories #creepypasta #top10 #top10list #truescarystories #scarystory #truehorrorstories #horror
00:00 – Top 10 Terrifying People Who Claim To Be From Heck
08:49 – Top 10 Secrets That People Brought From Heck
15:59 – Top 10 REAL People Who Sold Their Soul To Satan
25:22 – Top 10 People Who Might Have Opened The Gates To Hell
33:46 – Top 10 Scary Stories From People Who Have Seen Hell
39:34 – Top 10 People Who Have Seen Hell
Long to feel love when you're in hell I'm up now I must be in hell right now
The Devil Went Down To Georgia lol
Im proud to be related to 2 serial killers so very very proud it runs in the family hahahaha
I love watching your vidios also I got here at only 26 comments!!
Satan sent these monsters
Liked for the guys only (the whole crew)
excreetment hmm dont think that is a word but much better than the reality
You're the best
16:43, crossroads.
An actual place, in the middle of nowhere. But the moonshine man will take you to the lake to bathe. With gratitude to people 🙏who help others. Mucho gracias to his son also.
The crater was lit by that own countries goverment. It was thought it would burn off in a few days, but its been burning for almost 40 years. look it up. ive watched it explained on here before with actual knowledg of the crater.
Robert Johnson is considered to be the father of BLUES, not jazz.
The gate to hell is most likely well hidden under the Methodist church. Willing to put money on this
Damn. There are so many depictions of Hell. I never want to go there. The only thing I want Hell related is for Lucifer to be the handsome one that Tom Ellis plays.
That doesn't sound pleasant at all.
Thank you for the videos I love them I had a stroke then a brain stroke multiple times along with loss of balance that's just 2021 good year 😊for me
Jeffrey Dahmer was left-handed, as was Ted Bundy,
7 Infamous Left-Handed Criminals
Jack The Ripper. …
Osama bin Laden. …
Tōjō Hideki. …
John Dillinger. …
Boston Strangler. …
Billy the Kid. …
John Wesley Hardin.
Albania has law that its illegal to be left handed
I would be interested in why most criminals and serial killers are left handed? I'm left handed and less than 10 percent of population is a southpaw. I have always felt different and the world is designed for right handed people, also retired criminal but always thinking of ways to get ahead in the world, legally but longer and more boring. Great content on this channel, hope you do something on my peeps, Mark Twain was a lefty , Val kilmore did a show and he was awesome.
Nicholas cage should be in HH Holmes movie, million dollar idea
Great stories, easy to understand,ty.