From Tuesday, January 28th 1986 The Space Shuttle Challenger Explosion from the Helicopter camera. The explosion took place 73 seconds into Challengers 10th flight at 11:39:13 A.M EST
The STS-51-L Crew:
Commander:Francis R. Scobee
Pilot:Michael J. Smith
Mission Specialist:Ellison S. Onizuka
Mission Specialist:Judith A. Resnik
Mission Specialist:Ronald E. McNair
Payload Specialist:Gregory B.Jarvis
Payload Specialist: Christa McAuliffe
(Teacher in Space)
(Footage is courtesy of shuttlevideo Y.T channel)
This happened exactly 36 years ago today.
To boldly go:RIP brave explorers.Never to return.
Stupid Death of American Style
Imagine surviving the initial blast, only to plummet to your death in the ocean
Would you trust a nazi war criminals?
Yes or no ?
Fact is nasa was created and run by top brass nazis.
major malfunction….
I never seen this video before
“Challenger go with throttle up”
Always makes my heart sink…..
all this just to go to space. wasnt worth all the lives lost.
let us remember the crew of The Challenger not just having fell as victims of a tragic occurrence but as pioneers on an expedition shooting for the moon and landing amount the stars… the Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want. he makes me lie down in green pastures. he leads me besides still waters. he restores my soul. he leads me in paths of righteousness for his name sake. even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death I will fear no evil, for you are with me, your rod and your staff they comfort me. you prepare a table before me in my presence of my enemies; you anoint my head with oil; my cup overflows. surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life and I shall dwell in the house of the lord forever. amen
I unfortunately watched this from the home when I was 5….I still remember seeing this hapoen
That is so creepy looking
i was only 4 years old, my mom was watching this on tv
First time I've seen the helicopter view and it puts it into better perspective. I was 7 years old and out of school that day in Jan 1986 (seems like yesterday though) and I remember dad and I was watching it live on TV as I played with toys in the living room floor and I recall dad saying something like "it just exploded" before the news even said it but I didn't really grasp what was happening because so much on TV was not live but I knew by dad's reaction it was bad.
"Obviously a major malfunction" Dumbledore said calmly. XD
The crew cabin fell for approximately 2 minutes after the disintegration at 1:24. The crew was still conscious and alive until they impacted the ocean.
Just as horrific today as it was on the day it happened, poor people
1:30 He said altitude is 9 Nautical-Miles, then it blew up. At 3:00 helicopter is at the fake 9 mile altitude, which looks no more than one mile, especially that helicopters can NOT fly that high!!!
Looks like devils horns . https://youtu.be/PxqhU6nEy6c
Que tristesa TT
You can hear the explosion on the radio at 1:23