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Leave us a comment below!
Lying here two weeks in with a broken rib. This video hurts so bad. Can’t stop watching though
An other one bites the mud
Glad to see the Philippine riders out representing. Get back on that horse mates!
yo 2:00 thats me broke my collarbone on that!!1 chur
First crash from Portugal ( translation : Oh Cock!)🤣
The new back office style is excellent. Better slomos and screen grabs. Makes for way better viewing. And learning.
Hellz yeah! I made the thumbnail!!! Shout-out to Tall Guy Trails for keeping his helmet cam on me @ 0:29! 🤘
Ahaha 1:47 that’s me and my mate! 😂🤙 full video on my channel
Nah man, these repeats are too much.
jasper bayot
can you do riders reactions to pinkbike friday fails, saturday sends and/or sunday saves?
We the hardtail boys always pray that our HARDTAIL HERO blake is always safer
2:43 thank's guys for featuring us!!
yeah boi!!!
Honestly man, most of these people are really poor riders who are riding terrain they should not be on OR they just don't have the skill/knowledge to read the trail to avoid crashing. I hate/love these videos, but if you watch enough of them, you will see the same thing happen over and over. Really stupid decisions, maybe some bad luck, or just poor skills for the terrain.
I have almost killed myself a few times and it was ALWAYS my fault – too fast, not paying enough attention, riding terrain that was above my level or riding it in a way that I could not handle.
SO the way to avoid these crashes is to GET GUD. Get fit and gain skills on easy stuff until you are better.
And NEVER let anyone, including yourself, film you on the tough stuff.
Especially those chuckleheads who laugh like a castrated 15 year old when you crash.
I would love to see you guys do a breakdown of these crashes and explain what went wrong and how to correct and stop these fails. I know you have a fantastic amount of how to….. Maybe some of these people should be watching them. Maybe giving crashes a ratings for execution and how horrific the fails is.
0:47 i know this kid…..hahahaha jasper….goodbye vape
Makes my recent crash on the ice seem downright pleasent.
I wonder want was going the rider's mind a 30 seconds when their mate said they were still recording. As Guy Martin says. "If you not crashing, your not trying hard enough". I have not found out if he means. Quantity or quality.
Aaah, three minutes full of crashes reminding me that I am not the only one. Thank you!
We want martyn back😔
oh where Martyn Anshton review….
Aww man i wish i got my crash on video i drifted my both two wheels then i slid it was on wet tiles so yeah it was slippery and this was my biggest drift i have ever did
0:09 okey
😀 😀 😀
I like to think that the more other people crash, it lessens the odds that I will.
Rip bikes and ppl mostly bikes