5 SCARY Ghost Videos To Make YOU Go CRAZY!

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The 3X 5 SCARY Ghost Videos To Make YOU Go CRAZY!
The SCARIEST videos of paranormal activity CAUGHT on camera. A Top 5 list of scary shadow figures, ghosts, poltergeist activity, demons caught on video and other supernatural activity. Are these videos REAL or FAKE?. Hi folks. In today’s episode of 5 SCARY Ghost Videos To Make YOU Go CRAZY! You’ll see: Scary video from a parnanormal investigation by famous ghost hunters who managed to record some interesting evidence. The exploration of an abandoned building where the mysterious ghostly figure has been recorded. Video from a haunted place where real ghost was recorded and a dangerous encounter with a shadow figure and poltergeist activity. Creepy, scary, unexplained and bizarre things caught on tape.
Check my other videos:

5 SCARY Ghost Videos To WATCH On SPOOKY Nights!

5 SCARY Videos You’ll Have a SCAERD FACE After!

5 SCARY Ghost Videos You Won’t FIND on TIKTOK!

Subscribe for more videos of the scariest ghosts caught on video, scary videos, unsolved mysteries, haunted places, creepy stories, paranormal activity, mysterious creatures, UFOs, Aliens, basically scariest things ever found in internet.
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00:00 Intro
00:10 Number 1
06:10 Number 2
09:37 Number 3
12:35 Number 4
19:14 Number 5
The Squad
Nuke’s Top 5
Sir Spooks
Shadow Man
#scaryvideos #ghosts #caughtoncamera #scary #ghost


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About the Author: The 3X


  1. Not scary.i never seen a Hollywood ghost but I seen demon as kid in true form ,the ones with 6 fingers an 9 ft tall,an the dark cheese cloth ones .but they never hurt me ever as a kid nor now I had rough childhood life never been hug nor had my hand held so when I get sleep paralysis ,I enjoy it .it like someone holding me an hugging me, hope to get paralysis tonight I miss it😁.good nite cruel world welcome me my demon friends into yours..

  2. I had the bad idea to process a ouija board alone at home like a week ago and 2 days ago my iPhone was on my desk and he just flipped on the floor and since I feel weird feeling in my place, not weird but idk i feel something. Was I wrong doing ouija board +

  3. Once the person died his soul will leave in this world, many believes that some may go to heaven and other believes that they just stay here with us. But that's NOT true. If you have any idea about HADES then that's it. Open the Bible and you will read it there. Hades is the world of the DEAD. The ghost manifesting in our world is a demon a black spirit.

  4. That last video is hysterical. These people have absolutely no credibility at all. They come to see and look for ghosts yet as soon as something moves they all start running and screaming like little girls. Want some advice? Ditch the women and grow some balls. Otherwise leave the ghost hunting to people who really want to hunt and discover what they are. All your screaming gave me a headache, I can only imagine what those poor ghosts were having to deal with, with all your unnecessary noise.

  5. Mrfitri, you are a sad excuse for a ghost hunter sir. You see your ghost yet you stand there and scream until he’s gone then you start running after it. Why wait? We’re you waiting for him to invite you over? And what’s all the screaming about? You sound like a unhappy power bottom. If this is your best, you better keep your day job because you really suck at ghost hunting.

  6. I have been into the paranormal since I was a little kid. My mom died when I was young and I always felt she was haunting me. Thru the years all this great ghost detecting instrumentation has been developed. But we’re never able to really catch anything close up. Verifiable and close-up. I think the universe is supposed to work that way. Ghosts are on a different plane than we are. Just like cryptos and maybe aliens. Until the universe allows us that knowledge, then we will always just miss what we’re searching for.

  7. Quite with the sound music/effects when offering to listen to footsteps, whispering, light sounds and pass this along to the creators of the videos! Also, most of these guys/gals are too scared to be around the events and need to chill with more understanding of what is really going on that few people can deal with calmly. Some scary for effect to get watched but most are on such poor old video equipment that it is near impossible to make out what is happening!

  8. At least Xiolong has balls to run towards the ghost or apparition to capture evidence and to make sure nobody is pranking him. Yes he screams and cuss, which I find hilarious but it's part of they're culture. With Terror El Extremo, yes it was pitch black but I spotted whatever that was and when they did turn on the lights, they spotted it a couple more times outside. But you really haven't seen pitch black when you're down south in the woods at night… Without a full moon or flash light.

  9. Pretty burned out on the fake ghost videos. Obvious setups. Maybe not all but enough to make it painful to filter through them to get to a decent one. Rock on I guess. I am taking a break.

  10. When xiaolong will die and become a ghost, other ghost hunters will go to investigate the places where he lives and will capture a crazy ghost running all around and screaming like a girl 😂😂😂

  11. Lol!!
    Terror Al Extr: I see something
    Like WTH?? It is pitch black without the night vision what was he supposed to see?? Lmao@some of these “investigators”

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