Three innocent puppies was thrown away like garbage, screaming in hungry and cold seeking for help

Three innocent puppies was thrown away like garbage, screaming in hungry and cold seeking for help
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Three innocent puppies was thrown away like garbage, screaming in hungry and cold seeking for help

WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH PEOPLE? 3 innocent puppy was abandoned like garbage, they are screaming in hungry, cold for help. What has happened to humanity! I can’t believe they did this to these innocent puppies. Three innocent puppy now are safe and warm at my house. Please celebrate love and health and please celebrate love as much as you can every single day. God can give us temptations that are not so easy to deal with but everything will pass. I know that everything pass and it’s going to be better. It has to be… If you have small children you have to slow down from time to time and give them your energy and love. Children will most likely not remember the fact that you gave them your time, but they will have that special feeling of peace and happiness that will make them be better people. Give them one simple hug instead of half of Disneyland it will be better trust me….

Special thanks to: Marija Momirovic:
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About the Author: Animal Rescue


  1. Praise God that some humane people saved these precious little babies!! God gives us all the beautiful animals on this beautiful earth and we are to be obedient in taking care of all of them! Hallelujah, May you be Blessed! 🙌❤️🙏❤️🙌❤️🙏


  3. Thank you sir..Thank you maam…God bless you both by taking care of those puppies.I love those kids…God bless all the animals❤❤❤❤❤✌✌👍🏻🙏🙏

  4. People have no hearts to feel and can be very cruel in this case but don’t worry karma will always strike and they’ll know what’s to be wicked in life! What goes around comes around ! God bless the kindest !

  5. This is low life the depths of cruelty that some individuals sink to god knows who these individuals are and he will punish those responsible for this evilness I thank you all for rescuing these innocents I thank God for sending godly people who care about innocent animals may God bless these sweet little puppies and bless you all I send you all my love and millions of people around the world kindness and mercy are the greatest gifts that we can give to any one less fortunate than ourselves whether it is an annimal or human god knows this and will bless us if we show these attributes

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