It’s actually LEGAL in many U.S. states and other countries to own skunks, fennec foxes, and capybaras as pets!
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Foxes are way more hyper than any housecat.
Wild animals can be domesticated. It just takes many generations of targeted breeding.
And now these species will never go extinct.
Capybaras Are Legal In The Uk Where I Live
Most domesticated skunks are sold with their scent glands intact…
I will do anything for a fence fox
FENNEC FOX!!!!!!!!!!!!
Nysn Nyan Nyan
Pepe Rancher Jr
I really want a capybara
what color are a fennec fox eyes?
Are fennec foxes illegal in California
Is a sloth possible? ( If I do get one when I’m older I’m getting a license (OF COURSE I AM) AND doing TONS of research )
A Pygmy marmoset
or a Red Panda (wouldnt but wish I could). The little tiny monkey is adorable. The Red Panda is my favorite exotic animal but due to its state I would rather just see them out of the Endangered list and back to a stable population.
“are you a boy or a girl dude”
That is what happens when you don’t straighten your emo hair.
Toucans are not pets, nor should they be pets they have special needs and require a lot of attention if kept, plus they're bite is not pleasant
that woman itself is exotic ! she's a Gay
I’m a simple person, I see a fox, I click :3
a cheetah
What are the legal states to own a fennec fox?
Is this Boxxy?
Red panda
I would love to abopt a monkey
How often do you groom you hair ya filthy skank your new name should be sheral the feral have you had your stink gland removed from your hair?
umm hi i’m from the future
Oml y e s. A fennec fox is my dream pet like fr- and I was gonna try getting 2 of them- And I'm someone who would skip school for a whole week to keep my pets entertained. And ofc even work- I would take night shifts or morning shifts while they sleep. So cute
Stop encouraging people to get exotic pets, dumbass.
If I could have an exotic animal it would be a red panda
All animals species were once wind and it's not impossible to domesticate more species it just takes a very long time and selective breeding.
Red panda?😊😄
99% of comments: hEr haIr iS eXotIc peT
0.9 percent of comments: actual comments
0.1 percent of comments: this
Want a platypus or a hyena (but mostly hyena)
She’s cute and smart. Thumbs up 👍
exotic joe had me searchn
I'm confused in one video someone said you can own a capybara in texas and Pennsylvania but in this one they said you can't someone help