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#unexplaineddiscoveries #strangemysteries #mysteriousdiscoveries #originsexplained
Same here, strange?
Goodbye to adopting pet
People may may get infected by the monkeys who ate after the bats, the bats that ate the bananas. Who the monkeys ate after the bats,
Them monkeys get it from the fruit bananas, eating after the bat.
Your videos are soooooooo quiet!!!!!! Why is the volume recorded so low its driving me nuts. My phone is turned up all the way and that's barley enough!!!!!!!! Please record with louder volume PLEASE!!!!!!
21:24 Well you won't be short for future content, I see these idiots on YouTube every other day all claiming they have a special relationship with wild animals, absolutely deluded most of them.
I live on an island is built by Marine fossils. Every step you take is a new one 😁
If you fed the wolfdog enough they would be cool
If I was a megalodon I'd go to the Marianas trench
Hi Katrina!!
I just resubscribed also. Love your videos
Maybe it's just a whale with a speech impediment
is it just me, or does the blobfish look a LOT like Mitch McConnell?
I watched this on shark week. About the 9 ft female and the possibilities over the tag. I think the tag was ingested during a mating episode. I don't want to think there is a very Marge shark or some type of large species eating sharks. Any way I bet it was ingested during a mating session, that makes sense since males have to bite the female to hold on and get the job done, since males have 2 classes it can't be easy to insert 2, most species on earth only have one appendage for procreation purposes.
The day I told you about Katrina Wildcat Ninja Kitty, she passed.
Like the vid
The bear was being kept in a 15x15ft cage. And they wonder why he attacked? Like they never really did confirm it had a separate feeding cage.
Alaskan bull worm
This is the best way to start the morning <3 😀 thank you for always giving me something new and interesting in every video <3
Wow you blew my mind today. I had no idea that ebloa came from bats too.
It looks like a crock just swollen and attacked
I guess genetic testing doesn’t exist anymore.
Katrina, I too had to resubscribe to you. I have been watching you for several years and all of a sudden I was not getting any alerts that you had a new program to see. I tried unsubscribing and re applying and I finally got alerts again. I love your ancient history videos the best. They really show us that there is still so much out there that we do not know about especially about Egypt, Greece, Roman History and the Middle east and the Orient. Keep up the good work.
Every time I say a killer whale is from the dolphin family they all say are you stupid. Human stupidity lol google it before so you don’t look stupid lol
Where did the great white get eaten was it near the trench ?
Thanks for another GREAT video Katrina!! I'm so happy when I see another video posted! Keep them coming 😁
Your kool keep safe
Keep making this great videos 👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍
The Big Fin Squid reminds me of an alien
Great video thanks.
The opening beached hairy creatures "hair" is actually the skin and muscle tissues scavengers create trying to get a meal. DNA testing will reveal their species.
Wild animals are not pets.
Hippos are dangerous if you don't respect their space. Crocodiles steer clear.
Great video
You teach me more history than my history teachers teach me