Top 10 Ancient Prophecies That Might Come True In 2022 – Part 3

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Top 10 Ancient Prophecies That Might Come True In 2022 – Part 3
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We’re finally in 2022, however, there are some truly scary events in store for us this year if prophets’ predictions are anything to go by. From global warming, to warm, and even famine, prophecies have declared this year one to be feared. These are the Top 10 Ancient Prophecies That Might Come True In 2022 – Part 3 right here on Most Amazing Top 10!

#prophecies #ancient #top10 #history #predictions #2022 #nostradamus #babavanga #hunger #globalwarming #climatechange #mysteries #unexplained #mostamazingtop10 #terrifying #unexpected

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Time Codes:
0:00- Intro
0:17- Orbit Change
1:09- Doomsday
2:05- Energy
2:44- The Argument
3:42- World Hunger – Part 3
4:29- Solar Storms
5:11- Venus
5:52- Economy
6:42- Zombie Apocalypse
7:18- Cloning

Channel Producer:
Landon Dowlatsingh-

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Hosted By:
Olivia Kosolofski:

Edited By:
Brianna Raakman:

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  1. So the earth's orbit will change and the climate will change causing the climate change advocates to push full "solar/wind" ahead because WE are destroying the planet.

  2. Did you know that in the Book of Chanuwk or Enoch, said, Before the End luminaries heavenly bodies will change the course of thair regular normal path.

  3. The prediction that is going to happen is, President Biden dies "naturally" in the year 22/23 – Kamala Harris takes over. Aliens making themselves known and will be broadcast all over the world – religion dies out.

  4. Put no confidence on predictions made by the Catholic Church, they are not Christian, but Babylonian mystery religion. If you want to know what tomorrow holds, first trust on Christ so you will by saved through his blood, then second study the end time prophecies in scripture that will tell you. You will understand it then because you will have the Holy Spirit of God living in you, by faith on Christ's payment for your sins. Therefore, you will have that Spirit to teach you of things to come.

  5. There have been a lot of space advancements and milestones from NASA and their billionaire's in just the past year. Makes you wounder why it's all happening now. Is there something the wealthy know that we don't? Seems like the wealthy are eager to get out of here.

  6. What's up with all the Blood moons? You never heard of them in the 80's and 90's. Now, it seems, there's one or two a year! Same with Super moons.

  7. Okay…..Pope Francis took his name from St Francis of Assisi, his middle name was Pietro (Peter) and guess which name he was called by before he became a priest? Sorry Olivia!

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