Mr. Big and Carrie walked into a yard, and within minutes, Carrie was in labor! Luckily, our friends at Foxy and the Hounds knew to call #HopeForPaws for help and by the time we arrived, Samantha, Charlotte, Miranda, and Aidan were born.
In the past two months, we had extremely high vet bills and in order for us to keep rescuing at the same high speed, we really need your support. If you can, please visit our website and join us as a monthly donor: https://www.HopeForPaws.org
Our average donation is $12!!! Think about it – all the amazing things you see on our channel is a combination of many $12 donations ❤️
A few days ago I posted a video of Waffles who had given birth just hours after her rescue! If you missed it, please check it out on our channel – it is just beautiful to see!
The family in this video is with our friends at Foxy and the Hounds:
Please like and share our video – it really helps us financially and then we can save more animals like them.
Thank you so much!
#Puppies #Dogs
Это невозможно смотреть без слёз! Какие заботливые родители у щенков, сколько любви у них к друг другу и к малышам! Было бы здорово, если бы и у людей было столько тепла друг к другу. Спасибо вам, ребята, за спасение семейства! Вы просто ангелы-хранители для животных!
Спасибо спасатели самых беззащитных🙏🙏🙏
Aww they are so adorable. They are such a devoted loving set of parents to their babies. You can tell he wanted to stay right with his girl just like they're a married couple. Chihuahuas are like that though. My Tahkito and Jitters were like that. Very devoted to being together. It was really cute. She used to sit on his back when he was napping just like he was her couch.
a amazing father… and momma.. beautiful family
You're right…It is just too sad to see dogs that are that terrified of humans because, unfortunately, we are the ones who are so vicious. Well, some of us are…sad to say😔
Keep us posted on future adoptions
Такая хорошая собачья семья! Порадовалась за них, пусть будет у них сладкая жизнь!
Love the father. Thank the father for staying and being devoted.
Thank you for saving Mr. Big, Carrie and the 4 puppies!
I hope they stay together they are in love
Glad to see a male dog take care of his responsibilities!
Parabéns pelo trabalho de vocês,como eles se sentiram feliz até relaxou que lindoooooo ameiiiiii 💖 se sentiram seguro 👏🏼👏🏼💯💯🇧🇷
God bless you puppies
IT amazing that that boy Dog stuck with her
Why cant every story be this amazing.
Typically,the Male dogs arent around
I always wonder what happens to them when they reduce the mother and puppies
What a fantastic father.
so sweet