10 Most Compelling Ghosts Caught On Camera

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Paranormal spirits, otherworldly apparitions, and ghouls from beyond the grave… What do these all have in common? The most frequent way proof of these horrifying specters is produced… is by surveillance footage.

#Ghosts #CaughtOnCamera #GraveyardShift


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About the Author: Graveyard Shift


  1. The Disney one was debunked as overlapping footage and the figure is a guard doing rounds.

    I'm also gonna go ahead and call debunk on all the footage that's perfectly caught by a placed camera. The closet/dogs and the blockbuster video. Cameras rarely are perfectly angled to catch the action dead center screen.

    The duppy kid I think requires more attention and possible studying away from crowds of people.

    The last video of the ghostly girl is purely produced for entertainment value. Fake/debunked.

    The urban explorers and cave mine vids are intriguing. Honestly it's vids that aren't looking for ghosts that'll catch something. However they may be explainable but it removes the agenda of needing to catch something for shock value that adds honesty and credibility to possible video captures.

  2. People always ask why would a "ghost" or "spirit" come back just to play practicle jokes on people turning lights on and off,slamming doors etc,thats because theyre not "ghosts" but negative malignant entities known as demons they feed off of fear and negativity they love confusing and scaring people thats their nature.

  3. Ghost 7 didn't grin at all. Please do better. I know you're with Ranker and Weird History, but… Do better. Please. Even WH doesn't do click bait.

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