This is deeply disappointing but I share this message with you to spread awareness. They give a bad name to legit organisations and real people who are doing actual good causes!
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#ProjectNightfall #Fake #AnimalRescues
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Share this video as much as you can pls !!
We should unsubscribe those monsters and tell the others and go in the comment and say ur monster
Im happy you made this video because I was thinking this for a long time,I mean they always post a video saving an animal when they are not the animal rescue it gives me angry and suspicious at the same time,the only think why this is suspicious is why are they making a video? and how did they know the spot? Where the animal are stuck in danger any normal person saving an animal will give to adoption or take care instead making a video and post it to show people
Is that lord Shiva's painting behind you?
Nah man puting dogs on tar is just fuck up
+when he do it for view
The first time i got suspicious of this was when i saw this rescue vid from years ago. The guy was exploring the grand canyon and for some reason saw a dog so thin at the bottom of a probably 50-70ft drop hole. They said the dog probably fell and rescued it, but theres no broken leg, no wounds, dog was just so thin. Didnt see no entry point too, only a drop cos they grappled down to get it. So i thought what if they put that dog there and left it for a week for them to come back and rescue it. I've never visited the place, so is seeing a lost dog in the grand canyon normal? This was yrs ago so my memory might be wrong too.
A true hero never brags about the good stuff they did (even if they really did good)
This is horrible, I wish it was easier to see through lies like this. Fake animal rescues should not be a thing, real animal rescues should
I hope the goverment found this out
You've a point
Damn, I haven't think this far. Will be aware
I knew they were lying
That picture in the background was something
God Shiva and Goddess Parvati's painting in the Background is very beautiful, Har Har Mahadev. 🙏🚩
Can you prove to me they actually have a sanctuary in rajasthan in india? Where there are different stray animals? They also have videos of them rescuing dogs with maggots, which are also impossible to stage?
This video is made with no research
😭😭😭😭 nooo why
How can someone find animals seeking help almost every day, even I never found an animal in need in many years. It's clearly made up. People like you are the true heroes that open up everyone's eyes and expose the actual truth
Thanks for making a video about this.