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Charlie has been in the 'switched on' position his whole life! Great to see them all as young'uns.
We all need to see the video of Charlie meeting Mr Quackers if it exists and please give Buddy a snacc from Oliver
Daisy is so soulful and though they are all such gorgeous doggos, she is my favourite. Always lovely to see some footage of Old Man Tuck. Rest in peace the goodest boy X
All such beautiful balls of floof!!! 😍😍
Look at Sophie playing and jumping about. I bet she doesn’t remember that or if she does she’ll want to keep that sort of behaviour quiet 😆
I really wish there was such a thing that puppies and kittens would stay that way for ever. That’d be my idea of heaven
I just love ❤ baby pictures 📸 or in this case baby videos 📹!
Please tell me what toys each dog likes. Forget Charlie we know what he likes but hard to finds a big duck. But will keep on looking. Herbie a gigantic bib, no what toy, Daisy also please. I would love to get an outfit that says MAN OF THE HOUSE for Buddy. Please let me know. Kathleen and JJ
Oh my gosh, Baby Buddy – adorable 😍
Adorable but they dont mess with sassy lol they are so cute
All so beautiful ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
just curious, who was first? Buddy, Sophie, or Charlie?
These are mg favorite videos to see them when they were little. Herbie go huge fast!!
Love this video so much 💝
Ok I should premise this by saying Buddy over all is my favorite. But my two faves in this video are Sophie the kitty and Daisy. With Sophie, there is now actual video proof for all that she once was a normal cat and actually put herself among the peasant masses!😂 Then Daisy is my other one. She has, since she was a puppy, these eyes that are amazing! Even today, you still see that shine. I don't know if it is because her head is all black fur, but there is something so expressive in her eyes. I know that Herbie has a black head as well, but his eyes aren't the same. The shine isn't there like in Daisy's. Just don't know. Regardless, they are all wonderful!
All of them cute! My mom and I think they’re so cute 🥰!
All your pets are awesome but my favourite is daisy 😁
All your animals are too darn cute,they make me smile.😁🤗😋🙃
Gorgeous 😍 just watching the furbabies makes me smile they look so happy and well cared for
Cyndy Butler nailed it! Buddy -gentle, Charlie -mr wiggles, Sophie -ms elegant, daisey-big heart, soft and tender, Herbie full of p&v!! Loved this. Thank you!!
I loved seeing Buddy as a younger man, he really is a special soul!!
I so enjoy looking at your babies. And to see how much u love them. And…I love love your house.
So cute to see their little personalities! Sassy got along with Buddy when she was a kitten! ❤
Awww I love this video. It’s the kinda video you can watch on a bad day and it’ll cheer you up 😊