I hope you enjoy our newest Call Of Duty Top 5 / 10 Fails episode! ▻Commentator: http://www.youtube.com/TheShwantz27 …
I hope you enjoy our newest Call Of Duty Top 5 / 10 Fails episode! ▻Commentator: http://www.youtube.com/TheShwantz27 …
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if you want a fail clip check out TheNickTator gravity spikes
explanations. 5 lag. 4. fall damage (I had 1 health.) 3. first one bad luck second glitch. (one time it happened to me when I went to slam a guy on the b flag) third game lagged out. 2. vod put a death barrier inn the dumbest place. 1. bad luck.
That's actually a really smart tripmine placement. That's a really popular spot to Gravity Spike.
Hahaha another funny top 5 fails video, good shit man, if it wasnt for your commentary these video's would not be the same, your one of the best commentators on youtube for sure, im suprised youdont have more subs then this man.
Holy shit, if was was that connection interupted guy, i'd break my bo3 disc in 100 pieces
Connection interrupted. I've had that happen at least 5 or 6 times since the 1.07 patch was released to my PS4. I had a connection interrupted maybe 1-2 times in the first 3 months since release. I don't know what happened, but it seems we're playing on a person's host rather than dedicated servers more often lately.
#1 LOL
Yeah #2 Place thx :D<3
thanks for #4
i sent it
made it into a video again awesome 🙂
That tripmine kill though lol
those number 3's were epic. ..
1:20 is because of spawn protection. Getting spawn killed by gravity spikes would be the most aggravating thing ever. They're already complete bullshit
ok thx but i got more thx for responding so quick dude
u guys are the best
i started a very new youtube channel. after being successful with my other one but it hot banned idk y ( the horror)
Hey over powered can i send in some clips for top 5 over powered plays(feeds)
LOL! The second play was to funny 😂👏🏽
lol forgot I was subscribed to overpowered
second but Lol I've never done this