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4.12 how thick can people be.. there are no oohs and aahs to be had.. the orcas are hunting the seals to eat.. not play with.
Vídeos Incríveis! Parabéns pela postagem! 👏👏👏👏👏👏👏🙋♀️🙋♀️🙋♀️🙋♀️👍👍👍👍👍🇧🇷🇧🇷🇧🇷🇧🇷
That was cool thanks
Thats the next Animal FACE OF ;:"'":JAGUAR VS CAT
That one lion looking thru the glass before alerting everyone🙆🏿♂️
5:15 Is this guy readying to shoot the hippo? Looked like a gun? Am I seeing that correct?
8:10 you gonna use leash after one dog gets stomped to death.
7:52 Tucker sure is the listening type lol
Apparently, Tucker needs a bit more training. lmao
Watched it again
Long live the mighty TUCKER
That was terrific mate.
Good job champ.
I like how that elephant on the end looks at the tourist couple like, "So, how's it going? I hope your stay has been pleasant so far. Where do you hail from? Um, hello…?" 😂
Tucker was the best one bloody funny🤣🤣👍👍👍💯
2:39 wtf was that it almost looked like a snake 🐍🐍
“Tucker!” 🤣
7:10 hes probably the zoo keeper….
Mais pourquoi y'a encore des gens qui vont faire chier les gorilles ??!!!!!! Foutez leur la paix ☮️
5:20 Lmao
The Uptown ostriches are awesome !!
Totally enjoyed this video very entertaining