A tsunami has hit the island of Tongatapu, the largest in Tonga, a Polynesian country made of more than 170 islands in the South Pacific after an underwater volcano in the South Pacific erupted. The remote archipelago lies about 800 kilometers (500 miles) east of Fiji and 2,380 kilometers (1,500 miles) from New Zealand.
#CNN #News
Can we put a "cap" on this thing? Has to be absolutely dwarfing any man made CO2 emissions. Aaaaaaahhhhhhhh!!!!! Global warming! We're all gonna DIE! 😂😂😂😂
In Thailand. MorPrai predicted before the volcanic Eruption begin. Her nickname is God of death Teller in Thailand. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_BZX9L_pXgk
that is insane…. what a shot of that eruption!
My apologies in advance for I have been attempting to get a hold of anyone that will acknowledge everything for what it is. So with that in mind bear with me as you attempt to read along what will be a long message.
The information I am talking about is information concerning around the Tonga Volcano Eruption. Which, was not a normal natural disaster. It was triggered by a explosive device a missile of some type.
Furthermore they chose the intentional time of day with the approaching of nightfall to help hide many things that were going on.
This is why the volcano eruption was not easy to understand because; again, it was not a natural disaster but instead it was caused by an explosive device.
Furthermore I have been able to locate what appears to be different launch areas of different explosive devices coming out of different areas around the same time.
Some of the so-called weather phenomenon that was occurring was not a weather phenomenon at all. It was also additional explosions and in some of my links also help show and point out many of these facts that I am trying to say.
How are they unaware of the situation?
Understand the fact that I have highlighted in these videos that I am sending you. This might enlighten you on the missing pieces of information. I'm hoping you will do some research and investigation of your own and actually see the enlightening Truth for everything that took place on this dreadful day, that is clearly an act of world terrorism.
If there is any way you can notify the appropriate people, it would be greatly appreciated for the entire world. We are still starting to see the potential onset of effects from the man-made explosions.
I seriously want to point out the fact that any natural volcano does not dissipate as fast as this did. It was caused by an explosive device.
Also you can see in the videos where intentional additional explosive devices were set into the surrounding area. You can even see some go off on top of the volcano plume cloud. Again before the volcano even erupts you can see a flying object entering the exact location where the eruption occurred.
This is incredibly alarming the fact that no one is covering this appropriately, for the fact of what took place.
Now I urge you please somehow help me reach the appropriate people, if it is not you, yourself to get the appropriate attention brought to this significant disaster. Which again is and was an act of world terrorism.
Volcanologist as well as meteorologist will not be able to access the proper data and information without being aware that, this was not natural by any means.
Please do some research and investigation of your own. Which will help further validate what it is I am attempting to say and push to you.
I have included a few Links of information I have located so far, again I urge you please get the appropriate information out to the appropriate people.
This was not a natural disaster by any means.
Therefore there must be some type of intentional cover-up for the fact that no one has the intelligence. Thus I am starting to wonder why the intentional ignorance is occurring the way it is.
Please do not be deceived by the information that the world perceives to be correct, even though they are wrong.
Again I thank you for the time it took for you to even read this.
Please view the links.
Sincerely MaMa, Felice.
Look at the information correctly.
Hello everyone, I won't stop thanking and recommending Dr Itepu on his YouTube channel for curing my herpes virus with natural herbs medication.
I hope everyone in Tonga is okay.
My dads a doctor. Vermont leads the way. Truth is near. All of you mainstream media forums are Rothschild owned CIA run & you’re ALL committing TREASON pushing a Georgia Guide-stones Genocidal agenda and geo-engineering
Geo engineering
We've never seen an eruption of this scale from space before. Incredible!
We've never seen an eruption of this scale from space before. Incredible!
Still haven't heard from my family back in Tonga praying everyone is doing well
Can we blame this on Trump?
“Those aren't mountains, they're waves.” -Matthew McConaughey
We've never seen an eruption of this scale from space before. Incredible!
Spreads in ocean
Did the earth moved away from the sun during the volcanic blast or the opposite direction of the blast?
We've never seen an eruption of this scale from space before. Incredible!
Still haven't heard from my family back in Tonga praying everyone is doing well
Tonga! May the flooding be very minimal with very little property damages with no loss of life!🙏🏽🕊️❤️
Todos lo saben, nadie lo dice. Explosion atómica submarina
I hope everyone in Tonga is okay.
here long after we've been wiped out (natural disasters or through our own faults). We are barely a drop in the ocean of the universe.
We've never seen an eruption of this scale from space before. Incredible!
We've never seen an eruption of this scale from space before. Incredible!
My heart is breaking for the people of Tonga
The animals know.. here from MA, told u something was coming.
Will CNN admit that any weather anomalies in that South Pacific region is from the volcano?
CNN reporting fake news again?! 3minutes into the video… Allison states that this happened on the 15th of December! 😂 Definitely can’t trust CNN to report accurate news and information.
Oops wrong channel this is the child ‘napping network
we love it
Trumps fault?
Has anyone fact checked this??? You know if cnn reports it that it’s probably not true
Nature displaying her power once again, showing she can change lives with these kinds of natural activities.
Imagine if somebody was right near it on a boat they would be blown to smithereens…🤔
Just the earth letting one out
you may ask why the US west coast had an advisory but do to the topography of the ocean floor it could build up to be a massive tsunami
Prayers to my homeland of Tonga their phone services have been cut off since yesterday. We patiently wait for any contact form family and friends 🙏🏽