A mudslide in Grugnay, Switzerland was captured on video rushing past houses and taking over a road. No injuries were reported.
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Je ne comprends pas pourquoi vous rigolez…c est triste 👎
“It’s hard to see the upside of a mudslide” -The Darkness
Nice film work. lol
Amazing that a 20 foot tall tunnel is not big enough for the ginormous amount of mud racing down the hillside
It reminds me of me on the toilet.
im goinnnnn downnnnnn
First time ever seeing a mudslide, this is crazy.
Mother Nature's Cement Truck!
Instead of Two yrs old video why don't you updates current floods and much more.😤😄⚰️
“I’m not cleaning that”
Oh dear 😳 French sounds so silly…
That's Good looking nutrient rich dirt
So This is what it's like when her water burst 🥶
Mother nature was all like: I'm reclaiming my land
"Hey, let's stand on a bridge that's probably overloaded by the incoming masses of mud"
facebook swap sites be like – FREE FILL DIRT – YOU LOAD AND HAUL
That woman has lost her mind!
POV: you ate a red Robin burger
Swiss chocolate
And all I see is black gold
Nervous Tension on Deck!
Prime Agricultural topsoil going to waste!
A pig's heaven
you could grow some nice tomatoes with that dirt its full of nutrients
me after taco bell
in this day and age people still will not turn their phone sideways.
When shrek poops in public 😂
I am glad no one was injured
This what happens when you cut down the forest
I'm here because Instagram video
looks cool up close but when the mud hit the ground damn it sounds like concrete
Nice I live in Switzerland I once experienced a earthquake
I live in swiss ;-;