Real Ghosts Caught On Camera? Top 6 Scary Haunted Houses
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Real Ghost Caught On Camera? Top 6 Scary Haunted Houses
Many people have experienced supernatural phenomena in their lives, be it cold spots, light orbs, or actually seeing ghosts! Catching an image of a ghost on camera, though, is a whole other story. Commonly, even when people manage to snap a shot of a ghost before them that they can see, nothing shows up on the photo! But there have been a few lucky apparitions that have allowed themselves to be captured in a photo, and we’re going to talk about top 5 scary haunted houses where this is the case.
This Victorian house in Norfolk (NOR-FUK) England sits on 7,000 acres of land. It is one of England’s most haunted houses. Built by Sir Roger Townshend (TOWNSEND) and his Master Mason William Edge around 1620, it was described in 1637 by gentleman-architect Sir Roger Pratt that, “… There was somewhat in it divine in the symmetry of proportion of length, height, and breadth which was harmonious to the rational soul.” John Julius, Viscount (VAI-COUNT) Norwich in The Architecture of Southern England also wrote, “In all England, there are few more beautiful houses than Raynham… Raynham is not palatial, there is a comfortable, homely feeling about it; it is a house designed not only to be admired, but also to be loved.” That may be the case, but Lady Dorothy Walpole certainly didn’t think so. In the early 1700s, Lady Dorothy was married to Charles Townshend, who was known to have a violent temper. After he discovered his wife had committed adultery, he locked her away in the rooms in the house. Until her death in 1726, she remained in the rooms. People call her the Brown Lady, for when her ghost is sighted, she’s always wearing a brown dress. On Sept 19, 1936, Country Life magazine photographer assistant Indre Shira (IN-DRAH SHEERAH) caught sight of the vapory Brown Lady on the stairs. She quickly removed the cap from her lens and took a picture. Thee negative that developed is still the most famous photo of Lady Dorothy’s ghost to this day.
This is certainly a house of horrors, deserving of its title as the most haunted house in Australia. Built in 1884 overlooking the town of Junee in Australia, the Monte Cristo Homestead suffered from numerous tragic incidents. Some include a woman in a period dress walking to the stairs where she fell and died; a maid plummeted to her death from the upstairs balcony; a mentally-disabled man who was chained to his mother’s bed for 40 years still walks around in clanking chains; a stable boy who was burned to death haunts the coach house; and then, in 1910, when Christopher Crawley passed away, his wife, Elizabeth, became a recluse. She allegedly only left the house 2 times after her husband’s death. Least to say, the terrible incidents at the homestead have since then triggered numerous supernatural events, such as parrots and chickens choked to death, all the lights turning on in the house before it had electricity hooked up, a man in farmer’s clothing peering into bedrooms, a non-existent piano playing upstairs, and, of course, Elizabeth Crawley herself. For whatever reason, she and other resident ghosts have allowed their images to be captured in photos.
Located in St. Francisville, Louisiana, 28 miles from Baton Rouge, sits an antebellum mansion surrounded by beautiful centuries-old oak trees. The property is lush and well-preserved, a 19th century jewel to explore on a pleasant afternoon. The plantation changed ownership many times in the 1800s, survived the American Civil War, fell heavily into debt, saw a man killed on the front porch, and through all that, underwent expansions and beautification. Presently, it’s a bed and breakfast. However, if you decide to stay there for a visit, tread carefully, as the horrors of this plantation may just surface. The Myrtles Plantation is one of American’s most haunted homes, and for good reason. It’s reported that 10 murders happened in the house and at least 12 spirits reside there, and many seem to be pre-civil war era ghosts. One such photo snapped captured the essence of Chloe, thought to be a slave, standing between two of the buildings on the property. According to one version of a legend, Chloe was caught listening in on one of the business conversations in the house. As punishment, one of her ears was cut off, so she wore a green turban after. For revenge, she baked a cake full of poison, but only Sara and her two daughters ate it and died. The other slaves hanged her an
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