Pokemon Soulstones – Pokemon Fan Game
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– HeroVoltsy
I,m SPUDOW boi
Lol me and Voltsy said Ooh an E.shellos at d same time and also when we learnt it's typing
Ive been playing soulstones for a bit now and if you can catch the regional Abra with pure power ability it is and absolute sweeper when evolved
I’m not one to judge but srsly voltsy blissey s give the most experience in the whole game
Easiest way this early is to fight the 1 blissey trainer and switch in every single one of your Pokémon whilst blissey dies to toxic orb
That city music is definitely from Pokemon Mystery Dungeon.
I think it's a remix of Sky Tower from Rescue Team
Don’t have to go play it right now but I recommend you play it soon
I don’t mean that you have to record it but you should check it out
Play it soon for the Cynthia
There is even a new story on the villains
You should check it out there is a lot more of the game now than when you played
Voltsy what’s going on I just played Pokémon masters and I got the master sync pair of Cynthia and giratina
Vulcan I choose you
I wonder if the egg you get is randomized because that's not the egg that I got. Mine ended up being a lapras.
How to get the game
2:38 that's the manliest sneeze so far on this channel
never thought i see the day Voltsy say "pretty poggers" XD
Epoch Abra line got new typing normal/fighting
I think Voltsy, after Legends Arceus, Paras line might have become your most disliked pokemon line.
NIce gameplay bro
Your shiny luck is better than mines, been playing Pokémon for 23 years and I’ve only encountered like 6 shinies and 4 were from shield
A Bug/Dragon Treecko!? That's dope as heck!!!
Dark and fighting physical attacking drowzee with ANGER POINT?!?! Dude that's a FANTASTIC pokemon don't box it lol
Glad you like e treecko it's now in my top 5 favourite regional pokemon it's just to cool.
Can u play this rom on iphone?
The purple Treecko and the orange shellos looks so cool.
One of the best fan game of 2021
Heya Voltsy, since Greninja is already water type, if you don't wanna crash typings, there are 5 more forms of E. Shellos, all with different types, all of them very interesting XD
If you fish in the cave where you get Drowzee then you can get an electric/dark magikarp
Hey Voltsy,
Thanks for continuing to play Soulstones. If you're looking for the E. Lillipup in Harmony Lake, you gotta be there at night on Tuesdays, Thursdays or Saturdays. You need some Poketreats to get him too.
The E. shellos also have a few forms, each with their own type. Read their dex entry to see if you can guess what the others will look like ☺️
Last, look closely at the berries you got from the Poochyena quest. They are buffed in this game to further reduce incoming damage of a certain type. You might want to keep those handy for some upcoming battles and you can get some from the berry vendor in the Stonecrest PC.
E-Shellos is an interesting regional as they made multiple forms of it and multiple type combinations with dragon. It's dex entry is that it mimics dragons and the one you caught is mimicking kingdra the water dragon making it water/dragon where a drampa mimic would make it flying/dragon. Also you'll 100% see shiny pokemon this playthrough as within the first few hours I saw over 20.
The reason you didn't see the E-lilipup is because it spawns at night on Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday. It'll take 3 treats so have all 3. While there you could get a epoch in the grass at night.
Don't worry about potentially over leveling as there's a level cap system that keeps you stuck at a level until you progress far enough.
Also a epoch back on that beach has protein btw and you can get the old rod somewhere from the beach, museum, and starting town. I don't recall where and for some reason their wiki is missing it when I went to double check where. I think it was the fisherman on the first route after you beat him he'll give you one if you talk again maybe?
As for eggs they have a color/design dependant on what's in the egg and yes the egg is an epoch.
The eevee you get from the little girl was shiny for me so if it's not for you then gift/traded mons have a shiny chance as well. There's no added eeveelution but I'm not saying there isn't something new for eevee here in the region.
Also a final bit is that any Pokemon found within a Hidden Grotto is guaranteed to be shiny, their hidden ability and have max IVs. Hidden Grottos reset every 24 hours.
This is a pretty good series so far keep up the excellent work
I say it in every video and I'll continue to say it. Your sneeze is so cute!!