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I honestly hate all double standards equally.
No one cares about rich people abusing systems because they know they will probably get screwed over if they say anything about it.
8:46 Uh oh, a bit of this sound too familiar to my own situation.
Affirmative action is racism against other races to favor a chosen race, change my mind
We can all agree, regardless of gender, race, wealth, looks, etc. ALL double standards can go jump off a cliff (and I don't give those lightly)
It's totally normal (in society's eyes) to insult a man for having a small dick. But heaven forbids I say that a woman is so flat I could iron my shirts on her, all hell will break loose.
22:00 Reminds me how on my last day at Publix, when I was busy cleaning the floors, I was called with some news that really upset me visibly. Manager walks up and incredibly rudely snaps "Get back to work! I don't pay you to ve on the phone. " Really regret not just laughing in her face and leaving her with the remainder of the floor cleaning lol.
On the women hitting their boyfriends in public; in my group of friends, there's a couple and one time she hit him in public and we all stood up for him straight away. She's done it since and we always have his back. Recently, before we could even tell her off when she did it, he stood up for himself and told her it's not okay and it isn't right. I felt like crying I was so happy. He's also said she's stopped doing it in private (which… meant it was going on behind closed doors which is awful)
I hear the "you're young, you don't need rest" every now and then. Apart from that I know the whole men not expressing feelings 100% I remember I used to keep most of my inner feelings deeeeep in my mind. The only way I had to vent at the time was through gaming. When I would get put on restriction, my parents wondered why I would be so short tempered when I do remember having internal struggles in school. Maybe they were average struggles, I dunno. All I know is that not having friends over to your house hardly any until 10th grade really makes a person not as social. I'm just glad I fell into the group of friends I made from 10th grade through 12th. Some of my best friends to current. Not to mention my best friend I met on Xbox. We've been brothers since I was 11 and he was 9. Even more so thankful for the lovely woman I call my girlfriend currently. She's really been my shoulder to lean on about any past struggles I had either with stress, worries about past events in my medical history, past relationships pushing me to the brink of sanity. She's been my rock. Just like I've been a rock for her during her hard times. She's sleeping next to me right now.:)
40+ w0man having an 18 y/o BF is cute.
30+ man having an 18 y/o GF is disgusting a p-d0h.
Ladies, stop buying ALL clothes with no/fake/small pockets, and they'll lose money over it, making pockets in w0men's clothing popular in no time.
56:19 If he's working, meaning he does stuff that gets him money to pay the bills, then her doing the household chores is normal.
If she'd be the working one, the turns have tabled…. although she'd be called strong, and he'd be called a weakling.
I have brain and back damage, and if i'd get a working GF, i;d be doing the household chores… aside from cooking, as i can't keep an eye on few pans and such, but cleaning and groceries would be my thing to do.
59:21 I had that, a g*y guy touching my back, and it made me feel very uncomfortable, i reacted with an instant "F off".
Then i thought how w0men would have it more often, and thought "so that's what they feel from those guys… even worse than what i imagined"
I already find it weird that guys just touch a lady, while she shows zero interest in him, but after feeling that unwanted touch, i can understand it even better.
A half as*ed smile is NO "yes please".
I have changed, i became bi for femininity in 2020, but still would be uncomfortable with a g*y guy touching like that.
Heck, w0men don't touch me like that, either… not like "imma touch youuu".
Back then if a lady would've touched me not in such "feeling entitled to do so" way, i'd like it, but when entitlement shows up, she's gonna get my opinion on it.
If she'd touch my D, i'd already feel weird, and would tell her to stop it in a rough and serious tone.
But nowadays i'd also feel good if a sweet and feminine g*y guy would touch me in an affectionate way (again, not being entitled, and not in the pants) "But wouldn't you like a lady wanting bedr00m fun?" If she'd touch me there so easily, who knows how many she had already? And so direct sounds very unclean to me.
Luring me with feminine charm is successful, while being open and blatant is like saying "hey, your turn" and has no affection for me.
If a lady would walk in front of me, making her behind touch my hand, that could be a red flag, but also charming, depending on how she looks at me, and if she'd have patience, not walking away after 10 seconds of me not doing anything (cuz if too early, she could change her mind, or just act like she'd want it, and then make me look bad), i'd as*ume she's serious.
But yeah, don't touch without visual or verbal consent, at least.
So that "if a g*y guy would make you feel uncomfortble by doing a certain thing, don't do it to w0men yourself" is a great way of understanding what feels bad to others.
About most of these from the ladies about guys… tell me they're teens, cuz if that behaviour is still stuck with 25+ men, it's very scary.
Maybe in America it's more common than in The NLs, i dunno…i mean, it's a bigger country, so yeah.
Some looked like dumb complaints, but if those stories are common, like not sometimes telling her to laugh, but do it very often, it's weird.
Or the ones saying "he finds it weird if i do something less or non-feminine", which is normal, but if he makes an issue out of it, then it's just dumb from his side.
And ladies, for a guy to see you as weak(er) is a natural thing, can't take it out of us. Don't take it as offense… unless he thinks lifting up stuff around 5KG is a man-only job XD That extreme i'd understand. Especially if she's buffed a bit or a lot.
And guys, stop listening to mgt0w or F&F kind of points, cuz many of them are pretty extreme, and makes w0men look like paper mache
or RaditzThe ladies can handle stuff they do by themselves, too. If she makes clear she's having a rough time, ask if you can help, but if she does it without sweat on her forehead, and says "no" to your offer, it means she doesn't wanna bother you, or keep herself up mentally and physically.
Meme: I know ladies who have no problem walking on Legos, just saying.
Depending where you work, a spouse's signature is required for loans/withdrawals on 401k/TSP. It has nothing to due with a double standard.
The worst one for me is that so many people on the left cry out that "if you need help with depression, please seek it" while at that same time, those same people work to take away people's rights if they do. You have a very significant chance to lose your right to defend yourself, right to privacy, and even the ability to get a job if you seek help.
I tried to seek help back in 1997. The nurse kept pushing that I should stay at the psych ward, when all I wanted was someone to talk to because I was alone and feeling down. She threatened to involuntarily commit me, and told me that I'd never be able to buy a gun if they did. I finally relented and stayed for a week while they did nothing but lock me up all alone and give me drugs, which only made it feel worse, and feel betrayed by those who were supposed to help me, and the hospital still recorded it as an involuntary committal. It took me 20 years, and over $8,000 in legal expenses, to get that corrected, for a temporary down feeling of being lonely because I was alone for a long time. No, not going to trust them again, and I've gotten used to being alone now.
As far as the political left goes: Don't trust them. Don't believe them. They aren't out for your health or your benefit. They're out for their own power.
The women at the job not being able to lift stuff is relatable. I did manual labor for a while and there was this little 5'3 lady who was useless. There was once a few pallets filled with big boxes of the big contractor bags people use when landscaping and whatnot and I start loading boxes from the pallets into a trailer and I look back and see her standing there. She was like "the boxes are too heavy for me." In my head I was like "why the hell are you a laborer then?" Did the whole loading by myself. Luckily I left that BS job behind and make decent money now. On reddit half the time and making almost twice as much.
Some of these are so off the mark 😂
If a black person says the n word, it's just fine, however if a white person says it, you might as well have said heil hitler.
I get yelled at for not following school dress code( i would be wearing a cardigan over my polo), by my teacher, of which is wearing a cardigan. Same brand and everything.
When i was a kid, my brother was nearly diabetic and he got all the care he needed. I was severely under weight and i was told i should just eat more.
My Girlfriend and i were 20 minutes late to Thanksgiving dinner and, man, we recieved some backlash. My aunt, however, had the ability to come to my mother's house on Christmas day. Instead she decided to come two weeks later, and if we didn't stay, it was rude. Like we don't want to do Christmas stuff together.
Ima be Real with you the at 16 you can have a child and it’s fine but if your 16 and you say you don’t kids your too young to make that choice yeah you are you don’t want them then but that can change even 25 is still to young to decide you don’t want any/any more
10:00 Is kinda dumb in a sense that everybody talks about how depressed people should be the ones to reach out and ask for help, when They are the people who don't have the energy to do or even start doing shit. But they should still be the ones to take action and seek help, when they can't even take a shower.
Like, why can't we teach mentally strong and more capable people how to see the signs of depression, how to reach out to those people, actually come and help them and teach those people how to take the lack of energy and everything into consideration, instead of just waiting depressed people to do all the work?
And when those depressed people Do happen to have a tiny bit of energy to ask for help, people get weirded out and leave them be. Or if they post suicidal messages somewhere or stop answering messages for weeks, people blame them for being selfish. But nobody gets down from their high horse and comes down to Actually help. Like, get a grip people and start teaching people to help rather than blame depressed people from not reaching out.
This irritates me to no end.
15:45 can we have one thing??? like its like saying "oh why isn't there a white history month." why can't we celebrate black people in our own space without anyone else coming ?? yes, white people shouldn't be beat, but please, let us celebrate each other in a space without white people for once. god.
the weight comment hit hard as someone who got bullied to oblivian for being skinny, anytime id try and vent to anyone i was always met with ´ugh id die to have your body´ ´stop complaining, you have the ideal bodytype´ i felt like i couldnt do anything.. i would wear long sleeve sweaters in the middle of summer to not get those comments ´are your anorexic´ ´you look like a stick´ ´eat a cheeseburger´ ´you look sick´ etc etc. its always ´dont judge me because of my weight!!!´ untill its a skinny person… 🙁
When your coworkers ( 8 years with company with multiple raises and thousands in savings ) decide to comment on your partially running a-b car telling you ( the new hire ) to go buy a new car. Are you going to pay for it?
The one about doctors and waiting on appointments, THANK YOU that needed to be said
The ones where it becomes a real life obstacle the one I never understood was the woman sleeps with many she’s a whore, while a man is a winner , no they are both I’ve seen so many girls be shamed just because of one body
I also have 1 i was always told if i was angry dont take it out on thers but my parents always took their anger out on me
For the cooking one, the funny thing is historically MEN did all the cooking.
To the "big gay man test" one, if youre a woman who woukd be uncomfortable with any man saying it to you, dont say it to a man.
For the manual car one, being overly shocked these days is actually quite appropriate.
There's a coffee and cocktail place near my work that starts selling alcohol at 7am so that night crews can have a drink after work before going home
“If a woman sleeps with 100’s of guys she’s a slut but if a man does exactly the same thing he’s a homosexual”
Worked in bars for years and seen a few men be s. Assaulted and when ive asked them if they want the cops they said no because they would get laughed at. I made sure those women were band from every bar in the area. They didn't spend money and made the men uncomfortable.
WUT? Isn't vasectomy private matter? You are not asking husband's consent for e-pills, are you?????
The relationship abuse is familiar to me. When a man abuses his girlfriend/wife, either physically or emotionally, it becomes a huge deal in seconds and he's socially and almost literally crucified for abusing her.
When a woman does it to her boyfriend/husband, nobody actually cares, and many people think that he probably deserves the abuse being thrown his way.
I especially love how women, like the one who replied to the comment at 3:29, talk about how abuse is abuse no matter the gender, that type of shit, but they're ALWAYS the silent ones who run when shit goes down, and they don't actually care as much as they want you to think.
Sports are lame and video game, lore etc. And video games are far more interesting. Your dad is just a typical armchair jock.
When mom goes out with kids, it's natural but when dad goes out with kids, especially daughter(s), people think he's abducting them for the sex trade.
This might just be my area though, because we live in the primary hub of sex trafficking in my country.
Vigilance is good, hypervigilance is not.
when you're dependant of a group home or whatever it's called and the staff had a problem with us kids every staff member was fully aware of new rules or change they came up with the next week. if we kids had a problem with the staff who cared for us we could tell em each in the face individually till we're blue and still there would be nothing done…i really felt no one took me serious because i was just a kid…😡
A student comes to school late: why are you so late how could you be so irresponsible?
A teacher does the same thing: it's okay we understand completely
It really pisses me off how much teachers get away with but God forbid a student does the same thing