I’ve been a plane crash before but it was on water
The girl who survived clinging to wreckage in the ocean…. AMAZING!
a friend of my mom died on this flight, along with his family.
Bless her heart ❤
Bad luck? Sounds like the best luck when you survive this
BTW, ABC News sucks, and always has. Don't put much stock in anything they report.
The Comair survivor was one of the pilots and was partly responsible for the deaths of all the rest. I don't think I would show my face on a video about it.
Pilot error played a role in the accident
Don’t pity the dead; pity the living but above all pity those who live without love – Dumbledore
I would consider it divine intervention
She is beautiful oh how i hope she is happy …
I wonder if she ever set foot in a plane again
I was there after coming in from my flight standing on my room motel balcony that faced the interstate. I heard a Plane coming low overhead to my right looking up just in time to see one of the Pilots in the left side window looking out as the Plane headed into the interstate under the overpass and just dissolve into pieces in a loud crash. I stood there looking to see if I could see anybody and almost as soon as it happened I heard a siren coming to the scene. It was getting dark and the interstate became a glow of flashing emergency vehicle lights as people searched the scene. The Local News reported on the accident and later announced a little girl was found alive. After that night I never flew again renting a car to drive back to my home State.
I hate flying. I drove from NY to CA instead of flying. Not scared to die but I hate the falling feeling with no options.
divine intervention….the same divine being whose plan called for the crash?
What if the brace position breaks ur neck?
I wouldn't have any guilt whatsoever. Just like I don't have white guilt, non vaccinated guilt, or any other types of guilt.
3:25 some of those who died were because they inflated their life vests inside the plane and could not escape the plane when it sank
Captain Sully didn’t ‘crash’ land his plane in the Hudson, he executed a water landing, he actually landed the plane intact on the Hudson River and did so successfully. That’s totally different to a crash landing. Kinda important to know the difference if you’re going to report the story.
my g she was 4 how she gon know
Yea, I survived a UH2C Helo crash while in the USN. Cut the head of my penis off. Girls all want to see it🙀
0:17 sus
I’ve been a plane crash before but it was on water
The girl who survived clinging to wreckage in the ocean…. AMAZING!
a friend of my mom died on this flight, along with his family.
Bless her heart ❤
Bad luck? Sounds like the best luck when you survive this
BTW, ABC News sucks, and always has. Don't put much stock in anything they report.
The Comair survivor was one of the pilots and was partly responsible for the deaths of all the rest. I don't think I would show my face on a video about it.
Pilot error played a role in the accident
Don’t pity the dead; pity the living but above all pity those who live without love – Dumbledore
I would consider it divine intervention
She is beautiful oh how i hope she is happy …
I wonder if she ever set foot in a plane again
I was there after coming in from my flight standing on my room motel balcony that faced the interstate. I heard a Plane coming low overhead to my right looking up just in time to see one of the Pilots in the left side window looking out as the Plane headed into the interstate under the overpass and just dissolve into pieces in a loud crash. I stood there looking to see if I could see anybody and almost as soon as it happened I heard a siren coming to the scene. It was getting dark and the interstate became a glow of flashing emergency vehicle lights as people searched the scene. The Local News reported on the accident and later announced a little girl was found alive. After that night I never flew again renting a car to drive back to my home State.
I hate flying. I drove from NY to CA instead of flying. Not scared to die but I hate the falling feeling with no options.
divine intervention….the same divine being whose plan called for the crash?
What if the brace position breaks ur neck?
I wouldn't have any guilt whatsoever. Just like I don't have white guilt, non vaccinated guilt, or any other types of guilt.
3:25 some of those who died were because they inflated their life vests inside the plane and could not escape the plane when it sank
Captain Sully didn’t ‘crash’ land his plane in the Hudson, he executed a water landing, he actually landed the plane intact on the Hudson River and did so successfully. That’s totally different to a crash landing. Kinda important to know the difference if you’re going to report the story.
my g she was 4 how she gon know
Yea, I survived a UH2C Helo crash while in the USN. Cut the head of my penis off. Girls all want to see it🙀
i believe she got a special mission on earth
0:17 SUSS!!!!! 😳😳😳😳 PLANE CRASH SUS!!
"Among us" hehe.
We need to put all the sole survivors into a plane and have it crash. battle royale! There can only be one!
50 out of 170! Great odds!😒