Bounce is suffering from a severe case of skin cancer as well as being an abandoned stray. The vets want to explore every option they can to try to save bounce but they have to make the ultimate decision whether the treatment will be worth it for Bounce.
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This ten-part series follows the daily ups and downs of two veterinarians – Dr Mark Young and Dr Stacey Tremain.
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#Pets&Vets #vettales #vets
Where are all the American vets? It's okay. I still like the closing theme.
Oof, not sure about that title, considering the outcome.
Oooooooooo I’m soooo sad for the beautiful white dog with all the skin cancer on the side of her I feel very very sorry for the people that have been looking after her trying to work out if there was a way to save the dog but as Stacey said to the vet lady that has been helping and caring for the dog he just explained so gently what would happen to her and to have to decide to put her to sleep so she did suffer any further was the right thing to do so Stacey then took over the hardest thing they ever have to do as vets and they put her to sleep how heart breaking for all that have worked with this dog R.I.P puppy
Omg I cried my eyes out on bounce. I never expected to see that. R.I.P sweet baby.
Nope couldn’t do it!☃️❄️💚🙃
You'r so kind
Txs so much to you
You Truly an Angel
Gbu 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏
RIP Bounce. My pugs Riley and Odie will be at the Rainbow Bridge waiting for you to show you your new world of nothing but love.
Poor Bounce! She must have been in so much pain, but was a lover until the last minute. RIP sweet baby. 😭
Bounce was the perfect ambassador for the breed. A well bred pittie is a loving, smart, and wonderful dog. How many dogs would have been so trusting while experiencing end stage pain from such a devastating disease?
Watching Bounce just crushed me 💔 he went from a huge beautiful smile and to sleep 💔💔💔
I cried my heart out for this dog. You did it beautifully and reminded me of when i had to put to sleep my fur baby "miffy". Thankyou. She's in a good place now & no pain. X
That's the hardest part of working in a urgent care or hospital vet clinic. We see tragic things. But the good is really good. We do our best but there can't just be good and happy in life.
NOT ALL dogs die from eating chocolate. MY brother's Shepard something else mix ate my 2 pound box of See's Candy that was left for me under the xmas tree & he had a LITTLE diarrhea & that was IT!!!
Wasn't prepared to see Bounce go through that, especially based on the title….. Poor girl…. Yes sometimes the right thing to do is the hardest…. I cried so bad for her…. RIP Bounce, you were loved by many when you needed it most…
Oh Bounce…you crossed the Rainbow Bridge so gracefully, surrounded by two vets that cared for you. Hey, Bounce? Be friends with a little Holland Lop bunny named Fur'ocious, okay?
This was a misleading title. The cancer was too far advanced. I saw his euthanasia in another episode and it broke my heart that humans ignored the cancer then dumped him when they didn’t want to deal with it anymore. I pray that the scum who did that end up with terminal cancer and suffer like Bounce did before he was rescued.
Kind of a cruel way to title this video.
<3 RIP Bounce <3
R.I.P. Bounce. The vets are right, sometimes the right choice is a hard choice. But she's not in pain now and she died being loved on.
I’m 65 year old man and just cried my eyes out. Bounce rip
A plant called wandering wiley…. Hilarious
The Last Act of Kindness never gets easy. I cried as well.
”Shake it like a polaroid picture —shake it sh sh-shake it.“ —comes to mind every time they play the vets intro music theme song.🎵
RIP Bounce 😢
Wahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh Night night Bounce, you little sweetheart.
I never heard of anyone naming their pet Sushi….at least nobody besides me! I had a pug named Sushi. ❤️
With the amount of animals at a Humane Society that need skilled veterinary care, it is unbelievable they would waste the vets' time on pen cleanings and feedings.
Oooooomygosh Bounce was so so beautiful she looks exactly like my American bulldog Lara. Watching her pass on to the Rainbow Bridge just crushed my heart because she looks like my Lara. Lara skin is red with bumps from skin allergies. She was found as a stray and a rescue saved her from being killed at Miami Dade slaughter house. I would have loved for Bounce to have had a long beautiful life but it was so selfless of those beautiful people to release that beautiful girl of her pain. RIP beautiful beautiful girl😢😢😢💔💔💔💔
Thank you and God bless you for helping animals! 🙏
Make sure you know Jesus as your Saviour! He is coming soon! Pray asking God to forgive you for all of your sins and ask and accept Jesus Christ into your heart and life as your Lord and Saviour. And pray this in Jesus's name. And turn from your sins and live for Jesus. Don't be left behind! JESUS LOVES YOU!!! John 3:16