Fresh AskReddit Stories: It’s Time We Break Up (Reddit Compilation) — LIKE AND I WILL UPLOAD MORE REDDIT STORIES!
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my housemate/friend has some of the same traits as the person who cried because her boyfriend slept on the couch. i literally had to ask her to stop telling me i hate her and she got upset with me for it. takes me spending time on my own as a personal attack whilst telling me she encourages me spending time on my own. i've become completely burnt out on her for the past year i've lived with her and i'm slowly but surely getting my mental health back. you can't help someone who isn't helping themselves, and someone who isn't helping themselves will blame the next best thing for their problems (i.e. thinking that me not spending time with her is causing her sadness and not the fact that she refuses to go to bed at night, eats things that she knows will affect her badly and spends a hell of a lot of money on weed)
I have epilepsy and my gf is super supportive about it, atleast I think she is lol
My last two relationships were crap.
1st one of the two, the person I was dating came out as non binary. I didn't care about that because honestly I think love is love no matter the gender. But then their entire world and personality became their gender identity, and whenever I would try to ask them for help or let them know I needed support, they would put my issues down and tell me that my issues weren't as bad as theirs. We broke up after I found out they were cheating on me with two other people in a polyamorous relationship.
We're on good terms now, but honestly they shouldn't be dating anyone else. They're a much better friend than they are a boyfriend/girlfriend/partner
2nd one was an out of the closet furry. I'm not a furry myself, but as long as he didn't try to make me become one I didn't mind it. He then started becoming possessive and controlling. He was very clingy and needy and had a habit of reminding me how many other girls he knew, and how I was special because I'm the only girl he accepted to be with. It was always a constant reminder that he has other girls texting and calling him, and it got to a point where my self esteem just started to drop because I knew there were other girls he liked and I had to be better to stay his girlfriend. I eventually just transferred schools and broke it off after he threatened suicide when I told him I was upset with what he was saying.
I don't know how he's doing now but I seriously dodged a bullet.
Happy Valentine’s Day
No "exs"…. just closed chapters without regrets. It is life and life is full of bad decisions, yes?
Killing oneself over a failed relationship is a manipulation play…. Geeze. People who do that have bigger problems than relationships….🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔
For the life of me, I don’t understand why people stay for so long. LIKE JUST LEAVE THEM ALONE
So many obviously made up stories. Is that a thing?
I radiate heat, it sucks. Gotta keep the air unit at 62f or I am not comfortable.
The “asexual in-the-closet furry” one made me sad ngl, as an asexual out-of-the-closet furry I’m not sure why any of that guy’s traits were necessarily bad
"…a kitkat :D"
She was Satan.
In the spirit of Valentines Day this is the video
it wasn't figuratively a week old?