Mums bring so much love, life, and care into the world! So when animal mums need help, our Bondi Vets are always there to lend a hand
Dr Chris Brown guides an exhausted Norwich Terrier through a marathon birth; Dr Alex Hynes fears a kitten is stuck inside her Mum; And Dr Scott Miller gives comfort to an abused dog Mum with a mutilated leg.
00:33 Marathon Birth Goes Wrong
10:22 Fears Kitten Stuck In Mum
18:03 Abused Mum Needs Help
32:34 Cow Post-Natal Emergency
40:18 Koala Mum In Agony
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#BondiVet #Compilation
For those super worried about the purposeful breeding of Princess, it is super unlikely! I've talked to a lot of people who have had their cats have kittens super young and it always turns out to be accidents since they didn't know that cats could get pregnant that young. Quite a few of my cats are from litters like that and I think there's a reason I have only ever had 1 molly but a whole bunch of toms!
I hope to god they didn't purposely breed princess
I feel we need a bob Barker PSA for this episode
Idk why people don't take their dogs to the vet if they are in labor and the breed is known to have issues giving birth
You could tell Meg was in pain. Very sad she lost 2 babies. But I am glad she is pregnant. Lady with the diary farm didn't think Chris was a vet. However he proved her wrong. God bless
i'm so angry with the owner of poor bindi, the dog was five years old and was bred with a jack russel??? how awful, i hope chris had a talk with the lady and explained the importance of spaying bindi
Could we maybe stop glamourising back yard breeders and irresponsible owners? If you're not an ethical breeder, don't breed. If you're not responsible enough as an owner to keep your unfixed animals apart, get them spayed/neutered. It's not difficult to keep them apart, and it's certainly not difficult to get them fixed
I can't stand abusive owners. I've fostered quite a few animals, but my favourite was a puppy I adopted. I found Poppy at four months old, under a hedge, in the middle of a torrential downpour of a storm, cold and terrified. She was owned, we found out, by a local crime family, who had bred her for use in dog fights where bets were taken. She had run away at the first possible opportunity. Poppy was terrified of me, and everyone else. She had been brutally kicked about. But when she met me, and I saw her beautiful brown eyes peering out at me desperately, pleading with me not to hurt her, even as she was shrinking back from my presence, I knew she was meant to be mine. I decided immediately that she would stay with us for her entire life.
I knew she had been badly mistreated by the bruises on her, and her odd behaviour. She didn't make ANY noises, she had likely been beaten for whining or some such, so she didn't even dare to express herself. She hardly dared to look at me, curled herself up into a little ball, and faced away from me. Just me talking to her made her freeze with fright, and then she started shaking all over. When I picked her up, she flinched, and whimpered just the tiniest bit. She had been so badly treated that she didn't even dare to fight me, her mind just went away from her. She was just hoping I wouldn't hurt her, and trying her best to be as inoffensive as possible.
She would have been put down due to the multiple dog breeds that had been combined to try to make her an "aggressive" dog. She had the hallmarks of an English Bull Terrier, a Staffordshire Terrier, and an American Pitbull. We knew that she could not be adopted out, because the majority of the public were not trained to deal with the constant need for close attention to her behaviour. Nor would they be able to keep up with the conditioning and constant training that was required to overcome the abusive "conditioning" she had already received.
She ended up being just as much work as we thought, but it turned out very well. A wonderful dog and excellent as a guarding animal. Exceedingly gentle with all about, very well behaved. But, there was that edge to her which showed up when other dogs acted aggressively towards the family. It was fear based, but needed to be watched. She was extremely compliant to all our commands, and would move away from the issue, and calm down when told to. As we were attentive to her needs, there was never an attack from her on anyone, or any animal. She lived for fourteen wonderful years with us, until her old age and we had to let her go.
Honestly, if you are not an experienced professional breeder, DO NOT breed your pets. You could lose your animal, and there is no reason but your own selfish wish to have pups or kittens. Your dog will be much happier if you spay her, don't make her go through the agony of labour for no reason. If she does come through, and loses a pup, it's so much grief for her to process that death. They do know what is happening, and it's not fair on her. Just adopt another dog, there are untold millions in the world that need your love.
Respect to the makers of Bondi for leaving that "I thought it was just a drama" lol reality to alright
Do vets really visit people's homes in Australia? Is it just for TV?
I, as a human being, have had mastitis and it is HORRIBLE, its so painful!! I could never imagine how bad it would hurt for a small animal
Love babies
The farmer who has drowned that poor dog’s puppies should be punished for doing something so cruel and heartless. Like how would he feel if someone drowned one of his livestock?
Humans like that disgust me.
I've seen the first case on TV a few times before, and even though there was one breech and stillborn, I'm glad Bindi didn't experience other complications apart from that. Jeanette was right to call Chris to the case. That shows how much she cares about Bindi and the pups.
I'm very glad Princess didn't have a kitten stuck inside her, too. I don't blame her for being so hungry after giving birth. It's also so sweet how despite being such a young mother, her maternal instincts are still strong!
I can't believe that woman thought Chris was not a real vet
Irresponsible breeding, outdoor animals (who are pregnant), animal hoarding ….this is a lesson in what NOT to do with your animals. I’m sorry but this is so 'in your face' wrong I had to say something. Don’t breed your animals and keep them indoors unless they’re supervised. Adopt, don’t shop
Jess the nurse is a cutie!!
A local framer would come and drowned them? What kind of human would do that:(
A cat is classed as a kitten under 1 year old… why is this cat pregnant?!
@ 17:35 That runt kitten is bigger than my cat's runt (she was a American long haired regular sized) it was half that size and barely had fur he was the big boss of his siblings at the time he was 10 weeks he looked around four weeks but he was first with everything first to walk mama had to get him every 10 minutes when he was awake he ate dry food first gave mama some dry mixed with wet and gave wet to kittens he beat mama up and started to crunch down on dry food it was dry kitten food so small pieces for mama to have better milk production and from the moment he ate the dry he would not drink from mama but only once a day he got milk all away till he was 8 months old when he would still get his daily drink she allowed him to keep drinking all that time I sent him to a shelter to get adopted where he learned to open the cage and he was small enough he could sneak out of room they called him Houdini he found a forever home at a vets office as a mascot
Stop breeding your frickin animals!!
I am also a furmom.. and it does really heartwarming to see little pups alive..
What I don't understand is why people breed dogs that have issues giving birth. I feel like if a dog can't do something normal like eating, breathing, playing, and give birth (excluding boys) then why breed that dog in the first place.