The Passion of the Christ goes out of its way to show all the pain that Jesus went through in the hours before his death, but it wasn’t just the characters who suffered terribly. All kinds of bizarre occurrences happened on the set of the Mel Gibson film, like the time that Jim Caviezel actually got hit with a whip.
They say that lightning never strikes the same place twice, but it struck the set a whopping three times, literally speaking, which had to make some people wonder if God disapproved of his portrayal in the film. Here are some bizarre things that happened on the set of The Passion of the Christ.
#Movie #Film #PassionOfTheChrist
Electrifying work | 0:00
Whiplash | 1:47
Cross purposes | 2:24
He got migraines | 2:53
Dramatic conversion | 3:31
Career wrap | 4:33
Read Full Article: http://www.looper.com/107673/bizarre-things-happened-set-passion-christ/
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It happened because Christ took his protection away from those who may truely love him. He does not like these types of things. I've experienced it myself.
I cried through the entire movie, thinking how sad all that Jesus had to endure.
They shldve used the footage
Holy Ghost fire!!!
Evil isn't taking something good and twisting it a little bit. Evil is the opposite of good.
I have never seen the movie.
Nore the video above.
Have a good day guys.
I saw this at the movies. Great movie. Great fictional story.
I think that lightening strike was God's wrath !! There's something wrong with this film ! No one in Hollywood worships the true God !! " what does it profit a man to gain the world but to loose his soul"
God bless you Mel and Jim.
Satan looked like your average tictocker does today, this film predicted a lot.
Too Much BLOOD
Too Much BLOOD
One of the reasons he got pushed to the side of celebrity was his coming out in support of trump and Q anon and insisting that the conspiracies were true.
It is a shame really. He was a good actor.
Baptism sanctification and church..
does not a Christian make..
you have to actually read and study the Bible too..several times
And they once whipped slaves to death… Smfh
It was Zeus sending lightning bolts to kill myth jesus.
What a load of bullshit. Ahahahaabab
For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life.
John 3:16 NKJV
Jesus was never one eyed , dajjal is one eyed
Jesus was not one eyed blind ever, that is what dajjal is
Jesus loves us enough to really endure it all 🙂
Certain group went melt down.
The pink red static, the power of the Holy Spirit being revealed to him? Like tongues of 🔥 is the Holy Spirit. Makes one wonder.
Mel Gibson should try to make The Ten Comandments ❤️😇🙏❤️
Id really like that & Im sure most viewers will watch!!!!🙏
😥I cried watching the movie for the first time & I learned more watching this movie I also read the Holy Bible 1 time & Im reading it again… I beileve in our Lord Jesus Christ I love ❤️ God!!!!!❤️🙏😇❤️ God is Good!!!❤️