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About the Author: CharlieBo313


  1. In my opinion there shouldn't be no ghetto at all!!! The USA is the most powerful and the richest country in the world!! But yet Latinos and blacks have to suffer in the ghetto!!

  2. Crazy how even within the same state Orlando and Miami have a different type of vibe. Orlando's hoods look more "country" while Miami's look more like you're in the Caribbean.

  3. That vacation destinations can also have many seedy or even outright dangerous areas in close proximity. Back in college, I went with one of my sisters and two friends to Acapulco. One night, being bored with the resort hotel we were staying at, us four white chicks decided to seek out the real Acapulco…which we found about four blocks in from the beach. In less than a mile it went from these ultra deluxe resort hotels, restaurants and shops straight into the worst looking neighborhoods I've ever seen. Fortunately we all decided at the same time that we were in the wrong place at the wrong time, and other than a few catcalls from idiots passing by in the traffic, we we re able to get back to our hotel unharmed. When I later mentioned to one of the desk people the next day where we had gone?, she stopped and stared. She then said under no circumstances were we to ever do that again. The neighborhoods we went through were apparently bad enough that even most locals made great efforts to avoid them.

  4. come check out SEBRING, AVON PARK, IMMOKALEE, INDIANTOWN, you be suprised how hood it gets out here too. Lake Wales, Titusville has always been a hit for my channel.. they get all in the comments talking bout "it aint hood here" LOL also Chatmire, Moon lake, suitcase city in tampa.

  5. That Paramore, when i see stuff like that i don't even upload it cuz they come find out who you are and make it personal. nope.. not worth the trouble. i pass on uploading stuff all the time.. just not worth the trouble. west palm beach hoods you see stuff like this all the time.

  6. It amazes me how Puerto Ricans from NY are obsessed with Orlando. Surprised I haven’t heard any salsa playing or seeing any PR flags. I remember going to Orlando back in 03’ & didn’t like it much other than Disney. But I’m sure that place has grown much bigger. That’s around the time when mad Puerto Rocks including some of my family started moving to Florida & leaving Brooklyn. Like all cities Orlando had good & bad but seems like the cons outnumber the pros.

  7. Lived in SOBT back in 2003 as a young kid 12 years old. in 3 months, I got kidnapped by a crazy guy for 2 hours that dropped me off at a checkers, saw hookers, hit and runs, pimps and heard gunshots everyday. People would do drive bys at traffic stops. To top it off, we had to move because some detectives showed up saying our apartment was a target by some hitmen that thought the previous tenant was still there. I have been all over America since then, and still south Orlando gives me pure fear that I have not felt in any other hood and ive been to almost as many as Charlie has! It may not be rundown like Philly or wild like Atlanta, but there is a SEEDINESS that is unparalleled in that area, you can feel the extreme danger in the air, hard to describe.

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