Download Lords Mobile to win BIG prizes here: https://www.igg.com/event/letsgameitout $10,000 CASH GIVEAWAY and a $350 gift pack for everyone! Don’t miss out on the limited Kung Fu Panda items! #sponsored
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#LetsGameItOut #Simulation
This Is What Going Insane Feels Like – Mon Bazou – Let’s Game It Out
Check it out on Steam ► https://store.steampowered.com/app/1520370/Mon_Bazou/
More about Mon Bazou (from Steam):
Build your crappy vehicle into a race car by installing the parts yourself. Make money by cutting wood, racing at night or delivering pizza. Maybe you want to manage a sugar shack and make tons of maple syrup or build yourself a big garage?
You need to keep yourself fed by drinking delicious Maple Syrup and eating Poutine, welcome to Canada!It’s taking place in 2005 with the hot scene of tuned cars and wanna-be streets racers.
– Lots of upgradable parts on the main vehicle- Install the parts yourself on the vehicle
– Trailer / Boat / ATV mechanics
– Bodywork tool & a very flexible spray paint system
How about in-game cash?
– Boil sugar water and sell barrels of Maple Syrup
– Streets races at the night meet
– Deliver pizzas
– Grow plants / Sell weed joint
– Grow & Cut down trees to sell logs, or split it and sell for firewood
– Gather parts at the scrapyard to sell
Download Lords Mobile to win BIG prizes here: https://www.igg.com/event/letsgameitout $10,000 CASH GIVEAWAY and a $350 gift pack for everyone! Don't miss out on the limited Kung Fu Panda items!
This is literally just the game "My Summer Car". Please just play that game instead of this knock-off.
Cool no valve train very nice
4:59 I knew what he was going to do next
Day 1 of asking for Josh to play My Summer Car
pls play terra tech
Try "My Summer Car"
5 degrees celsius ia a little above the water freezing temp.
Canadian my Summer Car? huh
I don't understand to this day while cheap mobile games often insist on having "Mobile" in their names.
Imagine if other (or rather "actual") games did that – y'know, and we'd all be playing Console Fantasy, Computer Warcraft, and Handheldmon. How stupid would that be… and why do people act as if it isn't stupid in mobile games? xD
This was great, i laughed aloud xD
This makes me wonder if there's a Red Green videogame/simulator.
Are you secretly oversimplified
My mom I hear her downstairs
Now this is new game with feature everywhere~
I totally gotta see you break Mon Bazou further and play through it more as well.
When Josh asks "how did we get here" you know he's done something special.
Thank you Josh, now I know what cash looks like. Now if you'll excuse me I'm getting very thirsty and there's an ice-cold bottle of pure maple syrup calling my name
Bro u didnt know what a firewood chopper looks like 😳😅
I drive like that every single day so that is 100% accurate
🇨🇦 This is definitely an episode of the Trailer Park Boys 😂 🍁
As a person living in Canada the fridge is very accurate
and also yes yes we do
as a Canadian I can confirm that without maple syrup and poutine we would perish immediately
Would LOVE to see more Mon Bazou from you!
I am super concerned that the potato is still missing 😕
would love to see you play any game generally. Any game you play is just hilarious, love your content!
You're answer is yes
Nerf miner
I want more.
That Hello never gets old
Josh you actually Jumpstarted a nightmare I have rarely of being in a crashed car >_>
it has the thing we like🤣
So funny!!!! Please keep playing this game!!!!
This is why we love josh he’s so funny
It feels like he created this
Hi I love you I am your begest fan
As a Canadian I got insulted before the 1 minute and 30 second mark rolled around
Calling this an indy game feels like a real strech