Top 5 Shiny Reactions of the Week are back but this time with SHINY FAILS!
Some epic Shiny Fails in Pokemon Legends Arceus for our 2nd Week of the game!
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The Top 5 Shiny Reactions of the Week, presented by aDrive! In this video I break down the top 5 user submitted Shiny Reactions from Pokemon Legends Arceus!! This new series will showcase Shiny Hunters, big and small, and bring our Shiny Hunting community closer together! Be sure to show love to everyone in this video! LIKE, Comment and Subscribe! Which reaction was your favorite?
Check out some of our other Top 5 Shiny Reactions of the Week:
TOP 5 SHINY REACTIONS of the WEEK! Pokemon Legends Arceus Shiny Montage! Week 1
Check out the Playlist here:
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Check out all of the Awesome Creators featured in our Top 5:
Patterrz – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=61tH2NOoy4o
CryoJac – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0axMGm-tehw
Prince Charmingder – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1uvSKCPAWDA
TrippyTrainer – https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=1&v=RCGCSuf38rU&feature=emb_title
JamesistheThunder – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XGN3Tr4cDL4
Destroy the LIKE button if you want to see more Legends Arceus Shiny Fails!
Which is your favorite?
why do none of these fools save upon seeing it XD
Whenever you hear the sparkle, or see the shiny. Save.
How hard is that. Then you literally can't fail as along as you don't save again once you fail it.
why is watching all these people’s hopes and dreams crumble before their eyes so satisfying
If it's a mass outbreak you can simply restart the game and re open it but don't go back to jubilife once it open again go to the mass outbreak then catch the Pokemons and the shiny should pop up again.
I failed my first shiny that being shiny happiny
speaking of fails "top 5 shin reactions of the week"
Top 5 Shin
Meanwhile I still haven’t found Emmy first shiny in this game lol
Found a shiny Ambipom in a Distortion too bad my pasture was full😂
My favourite fail is the end of this video (7:18) where it says "Top 5 Shin Reactions" instead of shiny haha 🙂
I love how the editor failed to spell shiny no hate lol
Do these guys not know what saving is
I would bring that Paras with me to the end game and let him "meet" God. :v
So I've run into so many shinies through outbreaks, but never one just randomly out.
My only fail so far was before we learned the information of not saving once you find a shiny in an outbreak, I saved immediately when I saw a shiny goomy and when I reset the outbreak ended
Where do you send your shiny encounter clips
I remember I almost failed a shiny Hisuian Basculin because I was in the middle of the air when it spawned and saw me so I wasn't allowed to save, and I was fumbling with the buttons because I didn't have the muscle memory of knowing where the menu is, but I managed to save right before it fled so after a few resets I caught it
Can someone tell me, why are they not saving the game before try to catch the shiny??
That lock on nonsense is my biggest issue with the game tbh
I saw a shiny alpha chimeco while flying and dropped out of excitement and then died right in front of it….
oh a shiny lets stay and look half an hour with out save then nooooooooooooo
I learned with a failed shiny turtwig if you save when you enter an area and just reset as long as you dont leave the area you can retry and the shiny will always show up.
Congratulations on the Paras? 😢
Ohhhh that teleport hurt my soul 🥲
Yikes… Sticky globs and such save shinies.
1:37 this is why u should not sleep during tutorials
People if you ever see a random shiny make sure to save right away. If you ever start an outbreak, save when you get to the area and reset from there.
People really need to make a habit of saving as soon as they here the jingle…
People using lockon throws instead of skills shots, and people using the item menu to throw balls… you even trying?
i have yet to find a random shiny i only find ones im looking for
If you see a shiny, SAVE YOUR GAME.
I have yet to miss a shiny because I always have it saved.
Have they run away? Yes.. shiny eevee ran from 3 times in a row… did I care? No. CAUSE I SAVED MY GAME.
Moral of the story save
For the love of god, save your damn game!
I failed a shiny Budew because I saved the second I saw it, but when I reset it never came back. And I had saved at the camp before going to the outbreak. So if I hadn't panic saved, I probably could have reset it. Alas. I'll just have to hunt it again sometime when I'm not so salty.
People need to learn to not rely on the Zl auto target
I came here for shins and didn't see any.
That first clip makes me think do people know you don't have to lock onto pokemon to hit them and catch them in pokeballs? I do it all the time and I'm just fine.
you can be so hyped that you forget to save, happend to me 😢
When I was grinding my team I randomly found 2 shiny swinubs at the same place, I don’t know how but hey 2 free shin- (one of them runs) 1 free shiny then.
Ayeeeee we got second! GG to everyone who submitted their clips!
girls don’t want a shiny they want the 2’8” buizel