In a very short amount of time the human population exploded and is still growing very fast. Will this lead to the end of our civilization?
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Overpopulation – The Human Explosion Explained
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Fewer births? Ask the 1,7 Billion u*l*m about fewer births. Just stating the truth.
the creators who created the world will keep us in check one way or another. 25% of the world will be under water, followed by WW III that will eliminate another 50% with 25% remaining….our species will still survive, but only for a few centuries later, the creators will wipe the remaining species out and start over. The creators are looking for, not the the perfect species, but a species that can balance each other out with all THE OTHER species. In thier galaxy/universe, there are probably three species that cannot live with each other. One is to big/not smart (dinosaurs) second, small/smart (primates/humans) and the final species yet to exist 9/10 feet tall/average intelligence (last species). Unfortunately they will die by 25% from conflict, and 50% from disease, because they will not have a cure for stopping it. The final species intelligence will be limited to what are intelligence was, say around 15th century, right before the industrial revolution. The creators will think they cannot be to smart and have weapons that can destroy themselves. Even-though global warming and uncheck breeding were the main causes that destroyed primate/human species.
What's with the artstyle shift?
6:20 be like:
Life expectancy-*monotone*aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa-
The pandemic has entered the chat
Scary :<
More blind techno-optimism from this channel. What you got right: investing in education, healthcare and other aid to placesthe west has historically stolen from is good, and reduces population growth/misery in those places. What you got wrong: population leveling off does not mean a stble population. When humans started using fossil fuels our carrying capacity temporarily shot up, we are rapidly burning through it, when its either gone, or we burn enough to permanently damage our climate the carrying capacity will go down, and that 9 billion people will have to eat each other. We are like an ant colony that finds a pile of sugar, we eat and eat, and breed and breed until the sugar is all eaten up, then we starve because the seeds and grass we were eating before the sugar cannot support our bloated population.
People who come from a tech/engineering background always see the world from that particular perspective, in their personal world, tech is advancing and their professional culture paints a utopian picture. People who study the natural world, biologists, geologists, climatologists understand reality better because we spend our time outside directly observing it, rather than being mislead by ideological middle men who misrepresent statistics.
no worries guys, gen z is gay
Thanks for this clarification. I am from an overcrowded city in India and I absolutely despised people producing lots of children. But the future is not dark after all.
china: hi woman, so i am going to force you to have a baby
The worlds death rate must increase by 150000 per day to stabilize the world population !
antinatalism is the truth
i am from Bangladesh..
whats incredibly sad to me about these replies is that this material about fertility rates relative to economic development and medicine is basic geography. i remember this being briefly covered in high school.
I'm from Bangladesh.
Concerned officials at UN : 5:49
Complacent people in the world : "Dont challenge us!!!!!!"
ok sussy
we just need these type of videos on youtube instead of videos spreading panic with no evidence or data. thankyou Kurzgesagt
Thanks for the video! I thought that overpopulation might cause wars and unequal standards of living around the world. In my country there is no such a problem because people don't want to have children. Now it's a trend to be childfree. I hope that the population of my country will be stable, so we could plan our future and not lose out identity.
A universal code for family planing : make two, adopt one.
They neglected to mention that one of the reasons Iran did it so fast was because in the 1990s they adopted a deliberate massive national program to encourage smaller families. This is little known in the west because so much of what we know is funnelled through growth seeking businesses that see more people as an easy way to more customers. Unfortunate that kurzgesagt was so cooked epistemically when they looked into this topic but they’re not alone.
so basically, dont have kids because its pointless… look past biological urges and enjoy ur life
Overpopulation is a lie. We have a density problem in our cities, but the earth is not experiencing too many humans. We are looking at a potential collapse in civilizations due to such low birth rates worldwide, but this doesn't support the myth of man made global warming either, so you'll never hear about it.
💅 just come out, be gay, and save the world 🌎 🏳️🌈