New Near Death Experiences caught on film
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Original Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F-XFEIwGAfE&ab_channel=FailForceOne
► Please send in your videos on Twitter to @Troydan with the #TroydanReacts
00:50 lightning hit the boat
Does anyone know if the dir survived at 4:20???
You know it’s bad when Troydan himself telling you to do drugs 😅
“Someones Cat 😃” while its a freaking puma
Troy, you’re positively glowing in this video. Best you’ve looked and I’ve been watching for like 8 years
He said it’s just someone’s cat😂 as it’s a mountain lion
You gotta grow ur beard under ur chin and jaw man to about an inch about your Adam’s apple
Nice cut thank god you switched up from that vanilla ice beard
10:49 lmao I love the nervous laughter
fresh cut troy
Love you troy but I refuse to leave a like until you start uploading on here more often, and if there is a reason why you don’t, make it much more well known pls
the rain one was obviously bc they slid off the road and not on purpose smh
He sounds like a 12 year old with 42 IQ its a little irritating when he questions everything he sees???
These are Troydans goated videos
you seem like ur getting happier!!! love to see it
Troydan lookin good td wtf, not only is the cut clean but he looks fr younger
“I didn’t know sardines were evil!” 💀
Love these, but you have to pay attention lmao. The amount of times you ask "what happened" has lost its humor imo.
Man’s already lookin slimmer
chris benoit